Media: At Reuters, ‘Not Refuting’ Is the Same as ‘Seeing’

26 April 2017 — FAIR

Top U.S. general in Afghanistan sees Russia sending weapons to TalibanTop US general in Afghanistan does not say what Reuters‘ headline says he said.

“Top US General in Afghanistan Sees Russia Sending Weapons to Taliban” was Reuters’ headline over a April 25 story.

Well, that sounds like news! Tell me more, Reuters’ Idrees Ali:

The head of US and international forces in Afghanistan said on Monday he was “not refuting” reports that Russia was providing support, including weapons, to the Taliban….

Asked about reports that Russia was providing a range of help, including weapons, to the Taliban, who control large areas of Afghanistan, [Gen. John] Nicholson replied: “Oh no, I am not refuting that.”

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Media: NYT’s ‘Impossible to Verify’ North Korea Nuke Claim Spreads Unchecked by Media

26 April 2017 — FAIR

New York Times: As North Korea Speeds Its Nuclear Program, U.S. Fears Time Will Run OutThe New York Times (4/24/17) makes news with an “impossible to verify” claim.

Buoyed by a total of 18 speculative verb forms—five “mays,” eight “woulds” and five “coulds”—New York Times reporters David E. Sanger and William J. Broad (4/24/17) painted a dire picture of a Trump administration forced to react to the growing and impending doom of North Korea nuclear weapons.

“As North Korea Speeds Its Nuclear Program, US Fears Time Will Run Out” opens by breathlessly establishing the stakes and the limited time for the US to “deal with” the North Korean nuclear “crisis”: Continue reading

Islamophobia, Trumps War and the French Elections

26 April 2017 — Global Research

Finance Capital and Neo-Fascism: The French Elections Mirror the Crises of Western States

By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 26, 2017

A runoff between National Front leader Marine Le Pen and the 39-year-old banker and former Minister of Finance Emmanuel Macron’s En Marche (Onwards) is slated for May 7.

These two candidates represent the dominant sectors within the French ruling class being the aggressive anti-immigrant and neo-fascist electorate and the pro-European Union (EU) elements who view the status quo as sufficient to guarantee the continuation of capitalism and Paris’ role in the international division of economic power and labor. Neither party nor movement, in the situation of Macron’s En Marche, represents any clear vision of a prosperous future for the people of France. Continue reading

Black Agenda Report for 26 April 2017

26 April 2017 — Black Agenda Report

Obama’s New Job: Guardian of Official Lies

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

Having spent eight years telling lies about who the U.S. was fighting in its so-called “War on Terror” (secular governments) and who it was allied with (jihadists), ex-president Obama must now ensure that these lies become part of the “common base line of facts” shared by all Americans. “Fake news” must not be allowed to interrupt the flow of the official (false) narrative. That’s how “legacies” are made, and how power is preserved. Continue reading