If no-one watches the watchers, we can’t defend our civil liberties

13 October 2020 — Statewatch

As governments seek ever-greater surveillance powers, we need to keep them under control.

For almost three decades, Statewatch has reported on, analysed and fought against attempts by the EU and national governments to snoop further and further into our private lives – from the surveillance and retention of telecommunications data; to the profiling of travellers, tourists and migrants; and plans to create vast, centralised databases of sensitive biometric data.

To maintain and expand our work on these issues, we need your support. Will you help expose and control government surveillance by becoming a Friend of Statewatch?

I want to help

“Statewatch’s role in fostering transparency and accountability in Europe has supported human rights organisations to pursue their missions. Statewatch is one of the primary sources for key leaked documents on surveillance in Europe. We at EDRi are proud to count Statewatch among our members and to rely on their expertise and research on migration, tech, privacy and surveillance.”
–    Claire Fernandez, Executive Director, European Digital Rights (EDRi)

Like many organisations, we are under severe pressure. To fund our core work in 2021, we need to raise £40,000.

With your help we can secure our future, maintain our independence and continue to expose and challenge government secrecy and threats to our rights and liberties.

Help us to uphold privacy and dignity in Europe by becoming a Friend of Statewatch today.

I’ll help expose government surveillance plans

“The biggest threats to our freedoms rarely happen overnight; they develop incrementally at the direction of bureaucracies largely impenetrable to the public. The scrutiny, analyses, and primary documents made available by Statewatch are an essential resourcefor understanding the machinations driving surveillance and securitisation across Europe.”
–    Edin Omanovic, Privacy International

I’ll become a Friend of Statewatch

Statewatch: Monitoring the state and civil liberties in Europe
c/o MDR, 88 Fleet St, London EC4Y 1DH
tel: +44(0)203 691 5227
Privacy policy: https://www.statewatch.org/about/privacy-policy/

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