Test & Trace: Where has the money gone?

27 October 2020 — The Lowdown

Evidence-based journalism and research on the NHS to create change.

This week, documents released to The Lowdown confirm that Serco has brought in under-qualified staff to clinical jobs within the struggling test and trace system. There are no financial penalties in their contract, whilst fines are in place for NHS trusts who fail to meet financial targets. There are scant details about how public money is being spent, and the government can only account for a third of the £12bn put aside for test and trace. The public deserves to know, please share our content where you can.

Thank you for your support.

Here is this week’s Lowdown,  on PDF and our one-stop roundup

With thanks and best wishes
Paul, John, Sylvia, Molly & Martin
The Lowdown team

NHS Support Federation

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