Big pharma greed is costing lives

Friday, 15 December 2023 — Just Treatment

Under our current healthcare system, every day the greed of big pharmaceutical companies puts patients’ lives at risk. Big pharma’s monopolies allow them to limit supply so they can keep prices high, and that stops patients being able to access the drugs they need.

Just Treatment got started six years ago – aiming to build a powerful, patient-led campaign to take on the big pharmaceutical companies that rip off our NHS and price medicines so high the people who need them can’t get them. We’ve won amazing victories on breast cancer and cystic fibrosis – forcing the government and drug companies to back down, helping thousands of patients access lifesaving medication they’d been denied.

Now, we’re taking the fight against big pharma greed global. We’re working with cystic fibrosis patients and families across the world to win universal access to lifesaving medicines. These drugs are produced by US pharma giant Vertex, who use their monopoly to charge a staggering $326,000 per patient per year. This grotesque corporate greed is costing lives. We are fighting to end it.

If you agree that no drug should cost a life, can you take 2 minutes to sign our campaign petition today?

Yes – I’ll add my name

Whether it’s big pharma denying access to medicines or private healthcare companies taking over our NHS, we’ll keep organising and protesting whenever private profits are put before patient care – it’s great to have you on board with us in this fight.

More soon,

Gayle at Just Treatment

VIP Lane Contracts inflated by £925 Million

Monday, 11 December 2023 — Goodlaw Project

The Tories spent £3.8bn on PPE through the so-called VIP lane – but now we can reveal they overpaid by at least £925m.

We’ve run the numbers on an internal health department document, and the contracts signed with VIP lane companies cost an average of 80% more.

Some of them were paid at even higher rates than that. The average price for medical gowns was £5.87. But the gowns bought from Meller Designs Ltd – a fashion company run by a Tory donor – cost more than twice that: £12.64.

And more than a quarter of this VIP lane stuff was just no good. One deal brokered by an adviser under Liz Truss wasted more than £145m on unusable masks.

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We’re uncovering more and more of these dodgy deals. But we couldn’t do it without your backing.

NHS data grab – we are demanding urgent answers!

Friday, 18 August 2023 — Crowd Justice

“We are demanding urgent answers”, say a coalition from the Doctors’ Association UK, Just Treatment and the National Pensioners Convention.

Last month they sent a legal letter to the government about the plans to centralise all UK health data into a new database, the “Federated Data Platform” (FDP). The government is currently running the procurement process for the management of the FDP and “US spy-tech firm Palantir is widely considered the bid frontrunner.”

The coalition are concerned “because, despite multiple requests, we still don’t have all the information we need about exactly how this platform will work, if and how the public will be consulted and whether the government will seek patient consent before they completely overhaul the way our most sensitive health data is managed.”

They plan to launch a judicial review if they don’t get answers.

Can you help?

The group say that that “Palantir mainly has a history in military, security, and policing – not health.” They also point out that “Palantir’s chair, Peter Thiel recently described British love of the NHS as “Stockholm Syndrome” adding: “In theory, you just rip the whole thing from the ground and start over.”

Take action now

According to their case page: “A recent YouGov poll illustrated current public opinion about the plans. The results showed that if the FDP is brought in and run by a private company – like Palantir – 48% of adults in England who have not yet opted out [of sharing data] are likely to do so.

If even half that figure stopped sharing their health data it would be catastrophic for the future quality of NHS data – one of the most precious health resources we have as a country.”

Read the latest updates on the case here.

Thank you for support,

Maeve at CrowdJustice

A Trump-supporting billionaire wants access to your NHS records

Thursday, 20 July 2023 — Good Law Project

We need your help to protect your rights.

a screenshot of a computer screen with code on it
Protect NHS patient data

But NHS England claims we have nothing to worry about. It says the information it will share under this new contract is “pseudonymous,” meaning that identifying details will be removed.

But the truth is, it’s not hard to piece together anonymised information to identify people. And do you really want a company like Palantir knowing what’s in your medical records?

We don’t. That’s why we’re working with a prospective claimant to make sure that every patient can opt out of having their information shared with a private company like Palantir.

We will also be funding specialist lawyers to examine how NHS bodies treat patients’ requests to keep their data private. This is so we can make sure they’re acting in accordance with the law – and help us set things right if not.

The more of us who stand up and say no to companies like Palantir making millions from our medical records, the safer all our data will be. Can you help us with a donation?

Donate to support this work

Best wishes,

Good Law Project Team

How the world now works – or doesn’t

Sunday, 30 October 2022 — Dr Malcolm Kendrick

[How fewer doctors means more doctors – it’s official]

This blog has nothing to do with heart disease, or vaccines, or anything directly about medical practice at all.

However, it does have a great deal to do with data manipulation, which is something very close to my heart. It also illustrates how a ‘fact’ can be anything but.

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Palantir’s Tiberius, Race, and the Public Health Panopticon

7 December 2021 — Unlimited Hangout

The controversial data mining firm, whose history and rise has long been inextricably linked with the CIA and the national security state, will now use its software to identify and prioritize the same minority groups that it has long oppressed on behalf of the US military and US intelligence.

by Jeremy Loffredo and  by Whitney Webb

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medConfidential Bulletin, 17th May 2021

17 May 2021 — MedConfidential

Let us tell you about the massive new GP data grab the Government would rather you didn’t hear about…

The countdown has already begun. The Government’s plan is to copy your entire GP medical history – including all the most sensitive parts – and make it available for third parties to apply for and buy access. Even though Matt Hancock Directed it to happen he’s not going to tell anyone about it. Neither will Boris.

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US spy firm at centre of sensitive NHS patient data grab

8 March 2021 — True Publica

US spy firm at centre of sensitive NHS patient data grab

The story below tells of alarming backroom deals being done without public or parliamentary scrutiny into the highly sensitive (and extremely valuable) NHS patient data system.  The company involved is Palantir, a highly controversial American company that TruePublica has reported on several times in the last few years – that was at the centre of the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica Brexit scandal.

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A People’s History of Struggle: Liberty or Lockdown

25 February 2021 — Off Guardian 

Colin Todhunter

UK health minister Matt Hancock has warned the government’s timeline for unlocking coronavirus restrictions could be slowed as ministers remain “vigilant” against infection rates.

What began in March 2020 as a three-week lockdown to ‘save the NHS’ has turned into a year-long clampdown on fundamental liberties with the spectre of freedom through vaccination (‘COVID status certificates’) and the eventual rollout of all-encompassing digital IDs on the horizon.

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Test & Trace: Where has the money gone?

27 October 2020 — The Lowdown

Evidence-based journalism and research on the NHS to create change.

This week, documents released to The Lowdown confirm that Serco has brought in under-qualified staff to clinical jobs within the struggling test and trace system. There are no financial penalties in their contract, whilst fines are in place for NHS trusts who fail to meet financial targets. There are scant details about how public money is being spent, and the government can only account for a third of the £12bn put aside for test and trace. The public deserves to know, please share our content where you can. Continue reading

Interview with an NHS Nurse: “Where’s the challenge? Where’s the crisis? Where’s this Covid?”

10 October 2020 — Lockdown Sceptics


Where are all the patients?

Today’s newsletter is a special edition featuring an exclusive interview with a nurse who worked in an NHS hospital throughout the pandemic and says she has never had so little to do. Now she feels compelled to speak out against the “most wilful of lies” she has witnessed, in the hope that “such a grave miscarriage of justice for health can never be allowed to happen again”. Continue reading

The antithesis of care

28 September, 2020 — Red Pepper

Hilary Aked writes about the insidious role of Prevent, the government’s counter- extremism programme, in compromising mental health services

“Hospital” by capturedbychelsea is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

For an NHS psychiatrist working with schizophrenic patients, it’s not unusual to witness people suffering from severe paranoia. Fear of being watched by the state and persecuted by the police may well feature in such patients’ delusions. What is rarer is for someone receiving mental health care to see their fears come to life because their psychiatry team has reported them to Prevent, leading police to question them as a suspected potential terrorist.

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Watch: John Pilger: China going into ‘state of SIEGE,’ will defend itself against the US!

12 August 2020 — RT

[Apologies for the duplication/confusion. I forgot that I’d already posted this interview with Pilger last week! So I deleted the one I put up this morning and moved the earlier one to the Home Page. WB]

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to legendary journalist and filmmaker John Pilger. He discusses the coronavirus pandemic and its damage to the UK, the scandal of some of the most vulnerable patients being thrown out of hospitals during the Covid-19 crisis, resulting in tens of thousands of excess deaths, the ongoing privatization of the NHS, and the continuous deterioration of the NHS before the pandemic, Matt Hancock’s performance as health secretary, the ongoing persecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, new charges against him, efforts to extradite him to the US, and the silence of mainstream journalists on his persecution. Finally, John Pilger discusses rising tensions between the US and its allies and China, the hypocrisy of Western foreign policy against Beijing, the Hong Kong National Security Law, the US military encirclement of China, and how the country is entering a ‘state of siege,’ rising tensions with Australia, and more!
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Blight and Revelation: Coronavirus, Austerity and the UK

12 August 2020 — Global Research

Epidemiologist Michael Marmot begins his August 10 piece in The Guardian on a sombre note.  It is drawn from The Plague by Albert Camus.  “The pestilence is at once blight and revelation; it brings the hidden truth of a corrupt world to the surface.”  Professor Marmot uses the UK’s inglorious record on combating COVID-19 as a mirror for both blight and revelation. 
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12 August 2020 — John Pilger


The Dirty War on the NHS was first broadcast in Britain on the ITV Network on 17 December, 2019. It was shown following the general election that saw Boris Johnson become prime minister – even though the future of the NHS was a major issue in the campaign.

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