Troubled Ideas: A Nuremberg Tribunal for Putin

Tuesday, 22 March 2022 — CounterCurrents


In a good number of Western states, the ruling classes, former and current, have lost their heads.  Bugbear and boogieman Vladimir Putin’s efforts in Ukraine have lent themselves to some rather extreme suggestions, ranging from assassination to potential war crimes trials.  This is not to say that the Russian leader has nothing to account for.  As ever, it all depends on who is making the accusation, and who is seeking retribution.

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Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam

24 February, 2021 — Principia Science International

Written by Jean-Michel Grau

Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.

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