Russia, China won’t accept US nuclear superiority

24 May 2020 — Indian Punchline

M.K. Bhadrakumar

An American OC-135B takes off at Kubinka air base in Russia to conduct aerial surveillance of Russian military assets under the Open Skies Treaty.

Geopolitics has returned with a bang although Covid-19 is still very much around and a ‘second wave’ is also expected. The US President Donald Trump’s arms control negotiator, Special Presidential Envoy Marshall Billingslea said in an online presentation to a Washington think tank on Thursday that the United States is prepared to spend Russia and China “into oblivion” in order to win a new nuclear arms race.

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Dominic Cummings – a cover story obscuring something far darker

24 May 2020 — True Publica

Dominic Cummings - a cover story obscuring something far darker

TruePublica Editor: There is genuine hatred for Dominic Cummings – without doubt the most toxic character a sitting government has had to defend. But without Cummings, the man who illegally used data systems designed for post battlefield propaganda campaigns to win ‘hearts and minds’ in war-torn countries – the Tories would not be in anything like the same shape that they are today and Boris Johnson would more than likely not be our Prime Minister.

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Coronavirus Fact-Check #5: Infection-Fatality Ratio Update

24 May 2020 — Off Guardian

The more data we gather, the more obvious it becomes that early fatality rate estimates were MASSIVELY exaggerated

We covered in our third of these brief articles that, actually, the Coronavirus is NOT “20x deadlier” than the flu. That was evident once the early large-scale studies had been done in Germany, Iceland and South Korea. It has only become more so in the weeks since.

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