The Real News Network – Prosecuting Israel for war crimes

Deputy Prosecutor of Int’l Criminal Court discusses the Palestinian Authority appeal to join the court.

Who benefits from Israeli occupation?
Lia Tarachansky speaks to Fatou Bensouda, the Deputy Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) about the Palestinian Authority’s appeal to join the group of nations over which the court has jurisdiction. Bensouda says that before the ICC can investigate the perpetration of war crimes during Israel’s recent attack on Gaza, the court would have to rule on whether it has jurisdiction in the Palestinian Territories. For that, there would have to be clear borders identified, a task the UN would have to take on. Once the court rules on jurisdiction it would be able to prosecute anyone who committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide within the territory, even if (such as in the case of Israel) the perpetrator is not part of the International Court.

Fatou Bensouda was elected in 2004 to the post of Deputy Prosecutor by the Assembly of State Parties of the International Criminal Court. She is in charge of the Prosecution Division of the Office of the Prosecutor. Prior to joining the International Criminal Court, Bensouda served as the Senior Legal Advisor and Head of The Legal Advisory Unit at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Before that, she was the Minister of Justice of The Gambia.

Haitham Sabbah – Obama’s ‘Peace Plan’ Revealed

4 September, 2009 — Palestine Think Tank

A draft of the Obama peace plan, which is expected to be released at the UN Assembly meeting in New York, or at the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh, has surfaced.

The International Middle East Media Center’s website leaked the alleged draft of Obama’s peace plan given to them by Palestinian Legislator Hasan Khreisha. Khreisha added that the draft has been widely distributed among Palestinian and Arab leaders and the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak, recently discussed the plan during his visit to the White House.

According to Khreisha, the draft includes ten main points detailed as follows:

  1. International presence in the Jordan Valley, Palestinian Plains area, and other areas in the West Bank.
  2. Annexing some parts of East Jerusalem to remain under Israeli control, while Muslim holy site would be under Arab control.
  3. All Palestinian factions would be dissolved and transformed into political parties.
  4. Large settlement blocs in the West Bank would remain under Israeli control, while negotiations would be conducted within three months of the plan agreement?, to discuss the future of smaller settlements.
  5. Several areas in the West Bank would be disarmed, and Israeli would maintain aerial control.
  6. Intensifying the Palestinian-Israeli security coordination.
  7. The Palestinian Authority would not be allowed to have military alliances with regional countries.
  8. The United States would guarantee the establishment of a Palestinian State in the summer of 2011.
  9. Allowing an agreed upon number of refugees to return, and to be settled in the Plains area and other areas in the West Bank, particularly in the cities of Ramallah and Nablus. A special fund for supporting the refugees would also be established.
  10. Israel starts releasing the Palestinian political detainees immediately after the peace deal is signed. Three years would be allocated for the release of the detainees.

No one can be sure this is the final draft of the Obama peace plan, but it has the resonance of credibility.

Besides its many flaws, the peace plan should have begun with ending the US/Israel siege of Gaza. That would have been a signal that the US and Israel are really serious about peace in the Holy Land. The plan fails to address boarders, water, trade and the apartheid wall.

The 11,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israel will be released over a period of “three years”, longer than Guantanamo Bay. The question we want to ask is: will Marwan Barghoutti be released in time to partake in the negotiations? The answer to this is obviously, no.

US expect Israel to accept these terms on the premise that the Obama Administration adopts a stronger position towards halting Iran’s nuclear ambitions. The same nuclear program that US chief of intelligence has confirmed in his findings in a 2007 report, did not exist.

Even if Abbas and Arab administration accept this plan (which will not be accepted by majority of Palestinian people and millions of their supporters around the world), Israel will again fool US Administration to fulfill their part toward Iran but in return Israel will not move one step towards peace.

Another four to eight years – the age of Obama Administration in office – will pass, nothing will change on ground more than more Palestinian lands will be stolen by Israel and more Palestinians and innocents in both sides will be killed.

Vaccine Campaigns and Global Militarization – Selected Articles 27 August – 1 September, 2009

1 September, 2009 — Global Research

– 2009-09-08

Award Winning Movie: “SUPERPOWER”:
– by Barbara-Anne Steegmuller – 2009-09-08

America’s “War on Terrorism”
Book by Michel Chossudovsky
– 2009-09-07

Jack Rasmus, Jeffrey Smith, Webster Tarpley, Rick Rozoff and William Cook on The Global Research News Hour
Program details, 31 Aug – Sept 4
– 2009-09-04

Karl Marx and the Global Economic Crisis
Are we getting good Marx? I think not
– by William Bowles – 2009-09-01

Resisting Homophobia in the Military
– by Dahr Jamail – 2009-09-01

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The Rise of Mercenary Armies: A Threat to Global Security By Sherwood Ross

31 August, 2009 — Global Research

The growing use of private armies not only subjects target populations to savage warfare but makes it easier for the White House to subvert domestic public opinion and wage wars.

Americans are less inclined to oppose a war that is being fought by hired foreign mercenaries, even when their own tax dollars are being squandered to fund it.

“The increasing use of contractors, private forces, or, as some would say, ‘mercenaries’ makes wars easier to begin and to fight—it just takes money and not the citizenry,” said Michael Ratner, of New York’s Center for Constitutional Rights. “To the extent a population is called upon to go to war, there is resistance, a necessary resistance to prevent wars of self-aggrandizement, foolish wars, and, in the case of the United States, hegemonic imperialist wars.”

Indeed, the Pentagon learned the perils of the draft from the massive public protests it provoked during the Viet Nam war. Today, it would prefer, and is working toward, an electronic battlefield where the fighting is done by robots guided by sophisticated surveillance systems that will minimize U.S. casualties. Meanwhile, it tolerates the use of private contractors to help fight its battles.

Iraq offers a heart-breaking example of a war in which contract fighters so inflamed the public they were sent to “liberate” that when fighting broke out in Fallujah the bodies of privateer Blackwater’s four slain mercenaries were desecrated by enraged mobs. This horrific scene was televised globally and prompted the U.S. to make a punishing, retaliatory military assault upon Fallujah, causing widespread death and destruction.

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