Following Afghan Election, NATO Intensifies Deployments, Carnage By Rick Rozoff

6 September, 2009 — stop NATO

After NATO pledged 5,000 more troops for the war in Afghanistan at its sixtieth anniversary summit In Strasbourg, France and Kehl, Germany this April, U.S. President Barack Obama hailed the commitment as representing ‘a strong down payment on the future of our mission in Afghanistan and on the future of NATO.’

The Alliance offer was in addition to Obama’s own vow to deploy 21,000 more American forces to the war-wracked nation where the U.S. is waging its longest war since that in Vietnam and NATO is fighting the first ground and first Asian war in its history. A conflict that will enter its ninth calendar year next month.

Not, never, willing to acknowledge that the Afghan war is in fact a war, Washington and Brussels from the time of the summit until now have attempted to justify their troop buildups in South Asia as motivated primarily by insuring that the second presidential election in Afghanistan since the joint U.S.-NATO invasion of 2001 proceeded uninterrupted. A ruthless counterinsurgency and bombing campaign was thus portrayed as another war for democracy.

The election occurred on August 20, seventeen days ago, and the results are to date inconclusive, with incumbent president Hamid Karzai in the lead with less than 50% of the vote and former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah with enough votes to force a run-off election.

A second round of elections will provide the pretext for NATO and the Pentagon to maintain current inflated troop numbers in the country, deployments that were announced by the contributing nations’ governments as short-term ones specifically designated for August’s election.

All that has occurred in the past two and a half weeks, however, belies claims by the U.S. and its NATO allies that anything other than an escalating, expanding and protracted war in South Asia is intended.

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Lockerbie: Megrahi Was Framed By John Pilger

6 September, 2009 — John Pilger

The hysteria over the release of the so-called Lockerbie bomber reveals much about the political and media class on both sides of the Atlantic, especially Britain. From Gordon Brown’s ‘repulsion’ to Barack Obama’s ‘outrage,’ the theater of lies and hypocrisy is dutifully attended by those who call themselves journalists. ‘But what if Megrahi lives longer than three months?’ whined a BBC reporter to the Scottish First Minister, Alex Salmond. ‘What will you say to your constituents, then?’

Horror of horrors that a dying man should live longer than prescribed before he ‘pays’ for his ‘heinous crime’: the description of the Scottish justice minister, Kenny MacAskill, whose ‘compassion’ allowed Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi to go home to Libya to ‘face justice from a higher power.’ Amen.

The American satirist Larry David once addressed a voluble crony as ‘a babbling brook of bullsh*t.’ Such eloquence summarizes the circus of Megrahi’s release.

No one in authority has had the guts to state the truth about the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 above the Scottish village of Lockerbie on 21 December 1988 in which 270 people were killed. The governments in England and Scotland in effect blackmailed Megrahi into dropping his appeal as a condition of his immediate release. Of course there were oil and arms deals under way with Libya; but had Megrahi proceeded with his appeal, some 600 pages of new and deliberately suppressed evidence would have set the seal on his innocence and given us more than a glimpse of how and why he was stitched up for the benefit of ‘strategic interests.’

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Kawther Salam – Palestinian Organs for Sale and Experiments

6 September, 2009 —

organ-01.jpgMany Palestinian bodies which had their organs removed are still in the refrigerators of the Israeli jails and hospitals, and many Palestinian bodies (about 300) which had their organs removed are still in secret and cemeteries with numbered graves. Israel is the only State in the world which continues holding the bodies of Palestinian victims and pursues it’s criminal policies as a cover for concealing up the proof of the theft of Palestinian organs. Since the seventies, Israel refuses to give these bodies back to their families in a clear violation to basic norms of human behavior, Israeli laws, the Geneva conventions and other international treaties”.organ-02.jpg (Click on pictures to see them bigger).

The body of Martyr Mahmoud Touman, one of several people who carried out an operation against Israel in 1994, was returned to his family a month after the operation. His family stated that all the internal organs of their son had been purloined, and the family has pictures which prove the Israeli crime.

The body of the Palestinian woman Daren Abu Eisha, who was killed by the Israelis on 27/2/2002 near a military checkpoint in the West Bank, is still held in Israel. Her mother wishes that the Israelis give her back the body of her daughter, so that she can bury it properly before her own death.

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Art as Resistance By Dahr Jamail

6 September, 2009 — t r u t h o u t | Perspective

“Throughout history, culture and art have always been the celebration of freedom under oppression.” – Author unknown

Soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have tough truths to tell, and it has been well demonstrated that the establishment media does not want to broadcast these. Given the lack of an outlet for anti-war voices in the corporate media, many contemporary veterans and active-duty soldiers have embraced the arts as a tool for resistance, communication and healing. They have made use of a wide range of visual and performing arts – through theater, poetry, painting, writing, and other creative expression – to affirm their own opposition to the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.

The first Warrior Writers Project was led by veteran Lovella Calica. To help other veterans deal with their experiences in Iraq, she encouraged them to write. Those who were willing to do so were asked to share their writings with the group. An anthology of these compositions was produced as the book Warrior Writers: Move, Shoot and Communicate. Calica has since gone on to lead three writing workshops with veterans, and has published a second book, Warrior Writers: Re-making Sense.

The goal of the Warrior Writers Project is to provide “tools and space for community building, healing and redefinition … Through writing/artistic workshops that are based on experiences in the military and in Iraq, the veterans unbury their secrets and connect with each other on a personal and artistic level. The writing from the workshops is compiled into books, performances and exhibits that provide a lens into the hearts of people who have a deep and intimate relationship with the Iraq war.”

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