In An Attempt to Offset Rising Oil Prices, Biden Administration Makes Nice with Brutal Saudis—But Spurns Socialist Venezuela

Wednesday, 6 July 2022 — CovertAction Magazine

Saudi ArabiaJoe Biden and Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman. [Source:]

Right-wing lobbies and ideological zealotry continue to prevent initiation of rational policy toward Venezuela

On June 2, Saudi-led OPEC and its allies announced it will accelerate oil production in July and August, as the cartel’s key player, Saudi Arabia, agreed to U.S. pleadings that it take action to cool crude oil prices. The sharp rise in the price of a barrel of crude since the start of hostilities in Ukraine has threatened to stall the global economy with the United States being especially vulnerable.

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Civic-Military Union: The Chavista Paradigm that Defined the Latest Events in the War Against Venezuela

8 May 2020 — Internationalist 360°

Misión Verdad

A fisherman from Chuao quietly called out to the mercenaries. Photo: Twitter

What happened last Monday, May 4, on the coast of the town of Chuao, municipality of Santiago Mariño in the state of Aragua, has left a mark on the history of the Bolivarian process due to the combined action of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and the citizenry, in particular a group of fishermen, police and members of the Bolivarian National Militia.

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Venezuela: Deconstructing the Largest Social Engineering Experiment on the Planet

15 October 2019 — Internationalist 360°

José Negrón Valera

A famous aphorism, associated with Abraham Lincoln, says the following: “You can fool everyone for a while. You can fool some all the time. But you can’t fool everyone all the time”. But is this really so?

Photographs of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó with members of the macabre paramilitary band Los Rastrojos have been shown. Terrorist Lorent Saleh appears in a video declaring that he is willing to fill the streets of Caracas with blood. Telephone recordings are presented where Lorenzo Mendoza, owner of Venezuela’s largest business conglomerate, talks openly with Ricardo Hausmann, an economist and financial operator, about his plan to indebt the country through a multi-billion dollar loan from the International Monetary Fund.

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Necessary Reflection: Where are We Going? What Do We Do?

8 July 2019 — Internationalist 360°

Gerónimo Paz

These are the questions that we most ask ourselves in these times of crisis, uncertainty, anguish in the face of our own destiny and that of the country. For those of us who are concerned with the commitment to make humanity fairer and are part of the Bolivarian historical watershed, the current picture of the country should summon us to a serious effort of debate and reflection to seek answers from a transformative perspective aimed at finding a real and possible horizon to overcome the crisis.

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US Aggression Against Venezuela and How do You “Eat” That

5 April 2019 — Orinoco Tribune
As a result of different requests from friends of Venezuela in the US and also as a simplification exercise Orinoco Tribune’s staff decided to make an easy to follow timeline about the more than documented United State Aggression/Sanctions against the Bolivarian Revolution, starting with Hugo Chavez and continued/magnified with Nicolas Maduro.

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Venezuela: What’s been learnt won’t be easily forgotten – a conversation with Antonio Gonzalez Plessmann

17 January 2019 — Venezuela Analysis

Antonio Gonzalez Plessmann, who holds degrees from Venezuelan and Ecuadorian universities, has been a human rights activist and militant leftist since the 1980s. A former vice-rector of the National Experimental Security University, he took part in the process of police reform initiated in 2006. Today Gonzalez Plessmann is part of the SurGentes collective and is working with the Pueblo a Puebloproject in Caracas’ San Agustin barrio. In this interview with Cira Pascual Marquina, he presents important insights into the revolutionary potential that Chavismo unleashed during the course of the Bolivarian Process. It’s a potential that, he thinks, could be set rolling again.

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