Is the Dept. of Homeland Security Becoming America’s SS? By John W Whitehead

20 June 2014 — Boiling Frogs Post

DHS: A beast that is accelerating our nation’s transformation into a police state

“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”—James Madison

“Here [in New Mexico], we are moving more toward a national police force. Homeland Security is involved with a lot of little things around town. Somebody in Washington needs to call a timeout.” —Dan Klein, retired Albuquerque Police Department sergeant

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Catastrophic Events, Mass Traumatization and the Body Politic By James F. Tracy

2 July 2013 — Memoryhole Blog

A long-held desire of the technocratic worldview involves manipulation and control of a national and even international body politic. “This planetary consciousness,” Zbigniew Brzezinski observes, brings into closer view a single indivisible humanity united by the soft tyranny of depersonalized and omnipresent coercion. “The sense of proximity, the immediacy of suffering,” he wrote at the height of the Cold War, “the globally destructive character of modern weapons all help to stimulate an outlook that views mankind as a community.”[1]

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Out of the bunkers, into the streets

8 November 2012The Yes Men


For those of you who contributed last week to The Yes Men are Revolting Kickstarter campaignthank you! You were a beacon of hope in an otherwise weird, rough week. Superstorm Sandy knocked out our power, locked us out of our offices in lower Manhattan, and reduced us to hauling water up 19 floors to Andy’s dark apartment so we could attend to our rapidly failing hygiene. (#revolting #TMI)

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18 January, 2010 — Media Channel

Every disaster plan is built to some degree around the idea of triage—deciding who can and cannot be saved. The worst cases are often separated and allowed to perish so that others who are considered more survivable can be treated.

There is a tragic triage underway in Haiti thanks to screw-ups on the part of the US and western response, and in part because of the objectively tough conditions in Haiti that blocked access and made the delivery of food, water and services difficult. But the planners should have known that!

Look at the TV coverage. “Saving Haiti” is the title CNN has given to its coverage. It shows us all the planes landing, and donations coming in and celebrity response on one hand, and then the problems/failures to actually deliver aid on the other.

Much of the coverage focuses on the upbeat–people being saved, although despite the frame which is about a compassionate America’s response, the  Haitian reality is only barelygetting through. It’s not pretty.

Everyone wants to believe in the best intentions of all involved but five days after the quake, with so few being helped, we have to ask, how did this get so badly done?

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H1N1 Pandemic: Pentagon Planning Deployment of Troops in Support of Nationwide Vaccination By Michel Chossudovsky

31 July , 2009 — Global Research

Militarization of public health in the case of emergency is now official

According to CNN, the Pentagon is “to establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials.”

“The proposal is awaiting final approval from Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

The officials would not be identified because the proposal from U.S. Northern Command’s Gen. Victor Renuart has not been approved by the secretary.

The plan calls for military task forces to work in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. There is no final decision on how the military effort would be manned, but one source said it would likely include personnel from all branches of the military.

It has yet to be determined how many troops would be needed and whether they would come from the active duty or the National Guard and Reserve forces.

Civilian authorities would lead any relief efforts in the event of a major outbreak, the official said. The military, as they would for a natural disaster or other significant emergency situation, could provide support and fulfill any tasks that civilian authorities could not, such as air transport or testing of large numbers of viral samples from infected patients.

As a first step, Gates is being asked to sign a so-called “execution order” that would authorize the military to begin to conduct the detailed planning to execute the proposed plan.

Orders to deploy actual forces would be reviewed later, depending on how much of a health threat the flu poses this fall, the officials said.” (CNN, Military planning for possible H1N1 outbreak, July 2009, emphasis added)

The implications are far-reaching.

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Global Research: Public Health and Global Militarization Selected Articles

28 July, 2009 – Global Research

Ramzy Baroud, Jim Naureckas, Webster Tarpley & Ellen Brown on The Global Research News Hour
Program details, 27-31 July. Host: Stephen Lendman
– 2009-07-31

Award Winning Movie: “SUPERPOWER”:
Order Now from Global Research
– by Barbara-Anne Steegmuller – 2009-07-31

The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order
Book by Michel Chossudovsky
– 2009-07-29

Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and World Order
Global Power and Global Government: Part 2
– by Andrew Gavin Marshall – 2009-07-28

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UQ Wire: 9/11 FEMA Videographer Goes Public

Kurt Sonnenfeld : Exclusive interview — Distribution via the Unanswered Questions Exclusive Interview

As official videographer for the U.S. government, Kurt Sonnenfeld was detailed to Ground Zero on September 11, 2001, where he spent one month filming 29 tapes: “What I saw at certain moments and in certain places… is very disturbing!” He never handed them over to the authorities and has been persecuted ever since. Kurt Sonnenfeld lives in exile in Argentina, where he wrote “El Perseguido” (the persecuted). His recently-published book tells the story of his unending nightmare and drives another nail into the coffin of the government’s account of the 9/11 events. Below is an exclusive interview by The Voltaire Network.


Kurt Sonnenfeld graduated from the University of Colorado (USA) with studies in International Affairs and Economics, as well as in Literature and Philosophy. He worked for the United States government as official videographer and served as Director of Broadcast Operations for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s National Emergency Response Team. Additionally, Kurt Sonnenfeld was contracted by several other governmental agencies and programs for classified and “sensitive” operations at military and scientific installations throughout the United States.

On September 11, 2001, the area known as “Ground Zero” was sealed from the public eye. Sonnenfeld, however, was given unrestricted access enabling him to document for the investigation (that never took place) and provide some “sanitized” pool video to virtually every news network in the world. The tapes that reveal some of the anomalies which he discovered at Ground Zero are still in his possession.

Accused of a crime that did not occur in a manifest frame-up scenario, especially in light of ensuing events [1], Kurt Sonnenfeld has been persecuted across continents. After several years of fear, injustice and isolation, he has decided to take a public stand against the Government’s official story and is prepared to submit his material to the close scrutiny of reliable experts.

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Tom Burghardt: Preemptive Policing & the National Security State: Repressing Dissent at the Republican National Convention

19 November 19, 2008 Global Research

Antifascist Calling…

With “preemptive policing” all the rage in Washington, the whistleblowing website Wikileaks has done it again, exposing how repressive trends in the U.S. had real world consequences for democracy during September’s Republican National Convention (RNC) in St. Paul, Minnesota.

On November 15, the global whistleblowers published a leaked planning document “Special Event Planning: 2008 Republican National Convention,” a dense schematic used by repressors who targeted activists, journalists and concerned citizens during the far-right conclave.

Labeled “Limited Distribution/For Official Use Only,” Wikileaks believes that the dossier is “potentially legally significant due to upcoming legal cases over the mass arrests at the convention.”

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