Housman’s Books Events for October


October 2008 Diary of Events at Housmans, London:

  1. (Book event/talk) ‘Understanding Stalin’s Soviet Union 1929-1941’ with Paul Flewers
  2. (Book event/talk) ‘Radical Barcelona’with Michael Eaude
  3. (Book event/talk) ‘Dark Streets and Shady Places: writers and the East End’ with Ken Worpole
  4. (Book event/talk) ‘The Truth About Work and the Myth of ‘Work-Life Balance’’ with Sheila Cohe
  5. (Book event/talk) An evening with Bernard Kops
  6. (Social) Pre-Anarchist Bookfair Social
  7. (Book event/talk) East End Radicals hosted by Five Leaves DVDS & BOOKS
  8. Naomi Klein – discusses the rise of disaster capitalism
  9. Streetwide Worldwide: Where People Power Begins by Tony Gibson
  10. News: Housmans Peace Diary 2009

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Adolfo Gilly: Racism, Domination and Revolution in Bolivia

Bolivia Rising

September 26, 2008

Mexico – ‘The problem in Bolivia is that the country is undergoing a process of reforms, without abandoning the democratic framework, but both the opposition and the government act as if they were facing a revolution,’ stated Marco Aurelio García, a close advisor to Lula in international affairs, according to an article by José Natanson in the newspaper Pagina 12.

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Dr. Vickramabahu Karunarathne: Postmodernism, Liberal Democracy and the War in Iraq For Meditation on Hajji Festival Day

A speech delivered April 25, 2003 by Dr. Vickramabahu Karunarathne at a seminar organized by the Centre for Islamic studies at BMICH in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Dear friends and comrades,

We have tried to understand the motive behind this aggression (against Iraq). This aggression has violated every aspect of international law, all conventions of human rights. No UN charter could be used to defend this violent intervention. Leaders of global capital suppressed all accepted norms in this action.

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