22 March 2013Housmans

1. ‘The Revolution of Everyday Life’ with Donald Nicholson Smith this Friday 29th March
2. Housmans new publication
 ‘You Can’t Evict an Idea: What Can We Learn From Occupy?’ by Tim Gee now in stock
3. Appeal from Ken Loach
4. Easter opening hours
 ‘Is green growth possible and do we really need it?’ a debate with Pete Dickenson and Derek Wall 

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How to Read Stories About Israel in the NY Times (Hint: Very Carefully) By Peter Hart

21 March 2013FAIR Blog

Some days the Newspaper of Record says a lot–not always in ways you might expect.

Today (3/21/13) a story by Mark Landlerand Rick Gladstone about allegations of chemical weapons in Syria includes something you see often–anonymous government sources. That can often be a bad thing; but today it’s pretty useful: Continue reading

ICH 21 March 2013: CIA Plans to Keep Your Information ‘Forever’

21 March 2013 — Information Clearing House

Friction Behind The Smiles
Obama’s New Strategy in the Middle East
By Ron Ben-Yishai
Washington wants Israel to be a quiet partner in this axis so that the Jewish state will be able to cooperate with its neighbors over the table, and mainly under it. This could be beneficial in the event that the US or Israel – or both countries – attack Iran.

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VTJP Occupied Palestine and Israel News and Articles 21 March 2013: Obama the tourist seeks Israel Lobby approval

21 March 2013 — VTJP


International Middle East Media Center

Obama reiterates calls for two-state solution in Ramallah
IMEMC – On his second day of the first presidential visit to Palestine U.S. President Barack Obama met with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah. Although Obama condemned the rocket attacks that hit Sderot, yet, he insisted that the Israelis should not use this as an excuse to avoid negotiations, no more than the Palestinians should insist that Israel halt construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank as a condition. …

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