VTJP Occupied Palestine and Israel: News and Articles 26 September 2014

26 September 2014 — VTJP


International Middle East Media Center

Displaced Gazans Still Waiting for Solutions, Brace Themselves for Cold Winter
IMEMC – Palestinians in Gaza who were displaced by Israel’s recent military offensive on the region are still waiting for solutions, as winter now approaches. …
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New at Strategic Culture Foundation 21-27 September 2014

27 September 2014 — Strategic Culture Foundation

Pentagon in Chief Physician Role Adamant to Fight Ebola Virus

27.09.2014 | 00:00 | Vladimir NESTEROV

In early August the World Health Organization said the spread of Ebola was a problem of global scale. It recommended the introduction of emergency regime in all the countries where the threat had been revealed… There had been no vaccine until recently. Some time ago US scholars said they made a discovery to change the situation. The leading role in the implementation of US anti-Ebola program belongs to the Pentagon. Under pressure to do more to confront the Ebola outbreak sweeping across the continent, President Obama announced on September 16 an expansion of military and medical resources to combat the spread of the deadly virus outbreak in West Africa, including the deployment of 3,000 American troops to build treatment centers… It’s worth to note that all the countries hit by Ebola are oil and gas rich… Continue reading