How Britain dresses up crimes in Israel as ‘charitable acts’

16 December 2019 — Jonathan Cook

UK officials have stonewalled a campaign to expose a group that funded a park used to aid the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians

Middle East Eye – 16 January 2019

When is a war crime not a war crime? When, according to British officials, that war crime has been given a makeover as a “charitable act”.

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We have mortally wounded Jim Crow program

16 December 2019 — Greg Palast

By Greg Palast

Go ahead, pop the champagne!

It took us six years of investigating and reporting on the nationwide Jim Crow Interstate Crosscheckpurge operation that cost more than 1.1 million voters of color their registrations and elected Donald Trump. But, finally, Kansas, which generates the Crosscheck secret scrub lists for other states, has agreed to kill the program. This effectively ends the entire national purge operation.

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‘The Calculated Subversion of Humanity’ …and How to Resist It

16 December 2019 — Global Research

As we transition into 2020, our World is in the grip of a deliberate attempt to destroy the fundamental values upon which all civilised life depends.

Humanitarian values of love, kindness, compassion and mutual support – are being deliberately blocked, distorted and down-graded as part of a global propaganda regime designed to indoctrinate the people of this planet into selfish, materialistic and essentially passive ‘convenience’ life styles. 

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Deluge of New Leaks Further Shreds the Establishment Syria Narrative

16 December, 2019 — Strategic Culture Foundation –

It’s been a bad last 24 hours for the war propagandists.

WikiLeaks has published multiple documents providing further details on the coverup within the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) of its own investigators’ findings which contradicted the official story we were all given about an alleged chlorine gas attack in Douma, Syria last year. The alleged chemical weapons incident was blamed on the Syrian government by the US and its allies, who launched airstrikes against Syria several days later. Subsequent evidence indicating that there was insufficient reason to conclude the chlorine gas attack ever happened was repressed by the OPCW, reportedly at the urging of US government officials.

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BREXIT THE TRAGICOMEDY starring Johnson, the Emperor with no Mandate

15 December 2019 — theplanningmotivedotcom

[I think this is an important piece of analysis, as far as it goes. WB]


In times of great disappointment and crisis, it is important to keep a level head, to analyse the situation coolly and calmly, and most importantly to extend one’s intellectual vision beyond the immediate. Johnson, the Tories and the media are all rejoicing in what they consider to be a resounding victory. Clearly, the capitalist class and their media united, that is as far as the façade of democracy would allow, around the narrative, that it would be better to have a hard Brexit than a Corbyn led government. Faced with the choice between a Brexit that would damage the economy, and an aroused and inspired working class, they obviously chose the former.

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The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria. Who Was Behind the 2011 “Protest Movement”?

16 December 2019 — Global Research

It Started in Daraa on March 17, 2011

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Author’s note

Almost nine years since the beginning of the war on Syria in March 2011, so-called progressives have supported the so-called opposition, which is largely made up of Al Qaeda affiliated mercenaries.  A US-NATO led war of aggression is portrayed as a “civil war”.

President Bashar Al Assad is casually described as a dictator who is killing his own people. The millions of deaths resulting from US-NATO led wars are not an object of concern.

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Ecosocialist Bookshelf: Best of 2019

12 December 2019 — Climate & Capitalism

This was a bumper year for books of interest to ecosocialists. Here are ten that we found particularly interesting or valuable, or both.

Climate & Capitalism receives more books than we can possibly review, but we can and do compile a monthly list of those that seem relevant to our mission, along with brief descriptions. The result is one of our most popular features, Ecosocialist Bookshelf.

This year the column included 68 books on subjects ranging from ancient volcanoes to the life of Marx to Malthus. The overall quality was very high, so producing a “10 Best” list hasn’t been easy, but here we go.

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