The Great Reject — Of the “Great Reset”. Dystopian Nightmare for All Humanity

1 December 2020 — Julian Rose

We Are the Power

By Julian Rose

The World that Klaus Schwab, executive director of the World Economic Forum, wants us to rubber stamp is a 100% dystopian nightmare. In fact, if one was to write a film script about the worst of all outcomes for the human race and planet, Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ dream would perfectly fill the bill.

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Winning back the Internet by building our own

18 November 2020 — ROAR

We already have the power, the materials and the motive to win back the Internet. But we have to start with the first step first: owning our own infrastructure.

When mentioning the year 2001, most people may think of the attacks on 9/11. But five months prior to that historic date, another event occurred that would continue to shape history in less dramatic but equally profound ways. In April that year, American computer programmer Bram Cohen began designing BitTorrent, a new file sharing protocol that would almost single-handedly change the music, TV and movie industries for decades to come.

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Greenwald Splits With Intercept Over Visions of Editing

30 November 2020 — FAIR

Glenn Greenwald (cc photo: Gustavo Oliveira)Less than a week before voters across the US headed to the polls in the 2020 presidential election, famed journalist Glenn Greenwald made a stunning announcement: He was leaving the Intercept, the outlet he helped found in 2013, and striking off on his own at the newsletter website Substack.

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Israel’s growing strategic threat to our freedom of speech

27 November, 2020 — Middle East Monitor

Israeli soldiers throw sound grenades at a group of people including journalists, near a gate leading to Hebron's main al-Shuhada street, closed by troops earlier in February, during an annual demonstration in memory of the 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque massacre, in the divided West Bank city of Hebron, on 22 February 2019. [HAZEM BADER/AFP via Getty Images]

Israeli soldiers throw sound grenades at a group of people including journalists, near a gate leading to Hebron’s main al-Shuhada street, closed by troops earlier in February, during an annual demonstration in memory of the 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque massacre, in the divided West Bank city of Hebron, on 22 February 2019. [HAZEM BADER/AFP via Getty Images]

Asa Winstanley AsaWinstanley

There is an old saying that you should not put the fox in charge of the hen house. It makes perfect sense, and yet that’s exactly what Western governments are increasingly starting to do when it comes to their freedom of speech policies. All bluster about “cancel culture” aside, the leading threat in the world today to freedom of speech is the ever-increasing crackdown on the right to speak out in support of the Palestinians.

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