UK: Stand in solidarity with Simba this weekend

9 October 2020 — Medact

This weekend, across the country thousands of people are taking action against the racism and cruelty of Hostile Environment immigration policies under the banner of ‘Solidarity Knows No Borders’ #SKNB.

The #PatientsNotPassports campaign is joining the action – and we need YOU to get involved.

We are standing in solidarity with the #JusticeForSimba campaign. After having a stroke, Simba was charged over £100,000 for his life-saving NHS treatment because of his immigration status. Join Simba in calling for an end to all NHS charging for migrants, and an end to all borders in the NHS.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Download and print the Justice for Simba poster (in colour or in B&W).
  2. Take a selfie with the poster OR put it up in a public place, and take a photo of the poster.
  3. On Saturday or Sunday, share your photo on social media with #JusticeForSimba, #PatientsNotPassports and #SKNB, and a link to his petition at

If you can’t print the poster – don’t worry! Take a photo with a sign saying “Justice For Simba, End the Hostile Environment. #PatientsNotPassports” and post that on social media with the hashtags too.

We want to flood empty walls, local areas, city centres and more with the Justice for Simba poster, and go viral on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and all social media showing our solidarity with Simba, and encouraging others to join the call to end charging for migrants in the NHS.

There are online and small socially distanced actions being organised by groups around the country, Migrants Organise has published a list so you can find one suitable for you.

Get in touch if you have any questions.

In solidarity,

James Skinner
Access to Healthcare Campaigner

P.S. Help spread the word about the Weekend of Action. The more people you share it with, the louder the call to end migrant charging in the NHS will be.

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