The Criminalization of Politics: Hillary Accused of Racketeering by the FBI, Will She be Dumped from the Presidential Race? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

30 May 2016 — Global Research


In a recent release, the FBI has indicated that it will be presenting a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice:

“James Comey and The FBI will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, that includes a cogent argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic.”  (quoted by Frank Huguenand, Global Research, May 30, 2016)

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Spanish State 25S: The Salvaging of Democracy By Esther Vivas

3 October 2012The Bullet • Socialist E-Project No. 706

“They call it democracy but this isn’t one” was the cry repeated in the squares and on the demonstrations. And as time went by, this slogan took on still more meaning. The stigmatization and repression against those who struggle in the street for their rights has only intensified in recent times. The worse the crisis gets, the more popular support broadens for those who protest and the more the brutal repression increases. The thirst for liberty is being smothered along with the current “democracy.”

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Imperial Massacres By Alexander Cockburn

21 October 2011 — CounterpunchCounterPunch Diary—

Denied post mortem imagery of Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, the world now has at its disposal photographs of Muammar Qaddafi, dispatched with a bullet to the head after being wounded by NATO’s ground troops outside Sirte. Did the terminal command, Finish Him Off, come via cell phone from the US State Department whose Secretary, Hillary Clinton, had earlier called for his death, or by dint of local initiative?

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BP Profit From Torture By Craig Murray

7 September 2011 — Craig Murray

These are the ‘democrats’?!

Just when you thought that nothing could be more sickening than the revelation that the mad Mahdi Blair was godfather to the baptism of Murdoch’s daughter in the River Jordan…

Kudos to the Daily Mail for outing BP’s Mark Allen as the MI6 man who wrote the sickeningly jaunty message to Gadaffi henchman Moussa Koussa on the rendition to terrible torture of a Libyan dissident and his wife and family. Lest we forget, this is the message:

I congratulate you on the safe arrival of Abu Abd Allah Sadiq. This is the least we could do for you and for Libya to demonstrate the remarkable relationship we have built over recent years.

Allen then moved seamlessly from MI6 to a £200,000 pa job at BP working on their relationships with Gadaffi and other Arab dictators. We can only hope that one day Egypt emerges from military government to democracy and its security files too are opened. But I am willing to bet that MI6 and CIA shredders have been put in to Cairo government offices and will be working ceaselessly for the next few days. Expect the odd fire too.

US elections: Public policy privatized, ‘democracy’ bought and sold

7 November, 2010 —

The US mid-terms have come as a big blow to Obama administration. Although the Democrats retained their majority in the Senate, the Republicans have won control over the House of Representatives

With Congress divided between the two parties, it will make it much harder for President Obama to go forward with his legislative agenda.

But many voters have other concerns: they are worried about the corporate bankrolling of candidates, after vast amounts of campaign cash was poured into these elections.

‘He is using special interest money to throw mud at his opponent!’ This is a typical attack ad from this election season.

Except the opponent who approved the ad is herself an expert in mud-slinging, and the organization that backs her is funded by billionaires.

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Democrats and War Escalation By Norman Solomon

Top Democrats and many prominent supporters — with vocal agreement, tactical quibbles or total silence — are assisting the escalation of the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The predictable results will include much more killing and destruction. Back home, on the political front, the escalation will drive deep wedges into the Democratic Party.

The party has a large anti-war base, and that base will grow wider and stronger among voters as the realities of the Obama war program become more evident. The current backing or acceptance of the escalation from liberal think tanks and some online activist groups will not be able to prevent the growth of opposition among key voting blocs.

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You bastard, you burst my bubble! No not really By William Bowles

6 December 2008

“Constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones … All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses, his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.” — Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto

Up until this current crisis manifested itself, it was true to characterize a distinguishing feature of capitalism as the “Constant revolutionizing of production”, that is to say, the destruction and recreation of the means of production, new products created and new or existing markets exploited anew.

However, in a world where there is now global over-production and increasingly impoverished working classes unable to afford the products of their own labours, is it possible that this distinguishing feature has reached a dead-end? And if so, what are the implications? Will general war, as it has in the past, be the only ‘solution’ to this, the greatest crisis of the over-accumulation of capital in history?

Or has the capitalist system finally ran out of road? And if so, are we in a position to replace it with something else?

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Jamison Foser: The media’s Minnesota debacle

With only about 200 votes out of nearly 3 million cast separating Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman and his Democratic challenger, Al Franken, the race is headed to a recount.

Naturally, conservative radio hosts are working themselves into a lather, baselessly accusing Democrats of trying to “steal” the election. That shouldn’t surprise anyone. But NBC and The New York Times have also pushed the dubious notion that the Minnesota recount has been plagued by chaos and impropriety.

Here’s how Meredith Vieira, co-host of NBC’s Today, began a report on the Minnesota recount: “If you thought the election debacle in Florida could never happen again, wait until you see the situation in Minnesota.”

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The Anti-Empire Report by William Blum Read this or George W. Bush will be president the rest of your life

September 5, 2008

Obama-Biden — Osama bin Laden: A coincidence? I think not.
I’m sorry to say that I think that John McCain is going to be the next president of the United States. After the long night of Bush horror any Democrat should easily win, but the Dems are screwing it up and McCain has been running more-or-less even with Barack Obama in the polls. The Democrats should run on the slogan “If you liked Bush, you’ll love McCain“, but that would be too outspoken, too direct for the spineless Nancy Pelosi and her spineless party. Or, “If you liked Iraq, you’ll love Iran.” But the Democrat leadership is not on record as categorically opposing either conflict.

Nor, it seems, do the Democrats have the courage to raise the issue of McCain not having been born in the United States as the Constitution requires. Nor questioning him about accusations by his fellow American prisoners about his considerable collaboration with his Vietnamese captors. Nor a word about McCain‘s highly possible role in the brutal Georgian invasion of South Ossetia on August 7. (More on this last below.)

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