New research shows irreversible changes in England in the Anthropocene

29 July 2017 — Climate & Capitalism

A planet transformed

Scientists find irreversible changes that have no precedent in the 4.54 billion years of Earth history, caused by new human-made materials

‘Omnipresent’ signs demonstrating the effects of human impact on England’s landscape have been revealed by researchers from the University of Leicester.

Concrete structures forming a new, human-made rock type; ash particles in the landscape; and plastic debris are just a few of the new materials irreversibly changing England’s landscape and providing evidence of the effects of the Anthropocene, the research suggests.

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World’s Richest Person Escapes Scrutiny From His Own Paper–and Its Rivals

28 July 2019 — FAIR

New York Times: Inside Amazon

The last major investigative piece on Amazon in the three most prestigious newspapers appeared almost two years ago (New York Times, 8/15/15).

The three most prominent US newspapers haven’t run a critical investigative piece on Jeff Bezos’ company Amazon in almost two years, a FAIR survey finds.

A review of 190 articles from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and the Bezos-owned Washington Post over the past year paints a picture of almost uniformly uncritical–ofttimes boosterish–coverage. None of the articles were investigative exposes, 6 percent leaned negative, 54 percent were straight reporting or neutral in tone, and 40 percent were positive, mostly with a fawning or even press release–like tone.

Syria: Body Count Comeback

27 July 2017 — FAIR

AP (via CBS): 45,000 ISIS fighters have been taken off the battlefield, U.S. says

AP story on CBS‘s site (8/10/16) on how many ISIS fighters have been “taken off the battlefield.”

One of the hoariest methods of modern war propaganda remains the official body count. Government or military officials decisively touting large numbers of enemies killed has long been a surefire way to get credulous or friendly press coverage, despite the fact that the figures cited are routinely presented with no evidence to back them up or context about how they are counting this “enemy.” This dubious practice of body count reporting reached its peak during the Vietnam War, when the US government relied upon this fabulism as a consistent tactic to prop up a failing war effort, as FAIR’s Jeff Cohen recounted (5/6/01):

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Electoral Process in Venezuela: “The Best in the World” By Dr. Maria Páez Victor and Edu Montesanti

27 July 2017 — Global Research

The renowned sociologist Maria Páez Victor at Law Commission of Ontario in Canada, deeply analyses the Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly to be voted on July 30, in the context of the Caribbean nation, and speaks on the biggest challenges the Bolivarian Revolution faces today.

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Media Mourn End of CIA Killing Syrians and Strengthening Al Qaeda

27 July 2017 — FAIR

The US government has finally announced an end to its years-long program to arm and train Syrian rebels. The initiative, one of the CIA’s largest covert operations, with billions of dollars of funding, fueled mass killing in Syria and significantly prolonged the country’s horrific war. Widely respected experts have also acknowledged that it greatly strengthened murderous extremist groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda.

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Black Agenda Report 27 July 2017

27 July 2017 — Black Agenda Report

Trump Faces Down the CIA and Co-Opts the Pentagon on Syria (for the time being)

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford
The crazed, racist, stupid, boorish man in the White House “this summer defied the War Party and its corporate media mouthpieces, negotiating a cease-fire with the Russians in several regions of Syria, and possibly ending the CIA’s not-so-covert role as Grandmaster of Islamic Jihad.” Which makes him less dangerous to the human species than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Continue reading

Truth of Ukraine War Revealed: Watchdog Media Releases Timeline Video of Ukrainian War From Euromaidan to MH-17

27 July 2017 — Clarity of Signal

On the three year commemoration of the tragic shootdown of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH-17, Brisbane, Australia based Watchdog Media has released the most thorough and accurate chronological portrayal of events occurring between the start of Ukraine’s Euromaidan in November 2013 and the tragic destruction of Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 on July 17, 2014.

Between 2013 and 2017, the Watch Dog Media Institute compiled and archived the largest known video volumes of first-person video related to the Ukraine war, as well as the largest and most substantial amount of all mainstream media footage related to such.

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Western Aggression Backed by Western Media: Selected Articles

27 July 2017 — Global Research
The Western allies never run dry of resources to support their global war of terror and aggression, ostensibly an integral part of their foreign policy. They dynamically legislate laws lest the people awaken. They have the unbending support of the corporate media, which skillfully distorts reality. When will they ever back down from their destructive quest for colonies? Read our selection below.

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Video: A Chilling effect on the right to protest

27 July 2017 — The Canary

Watch the shocking film that shows how low the police will go to protect the interests of big business

A new film released by the Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) reveals the lengths to which the police are prepared to go in preventing protest; and how far they are prepared to go to protect the interests of big business over the rights of campaigners. In this case, it is the interests of fracking company Cuadrilla.

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Will the CIA Obey a Trump Order to Stop Funding Terrorists? Selected Articles

25 July 2017 — Global Research

Rex Tillerson Rumoured to be on Verge of Quitting as Secretary of State

By Adam Garrie, July 25, 2017

The most interesting aspect of these rumours in respect of policy concerns is over the question of Iran. CNN reports that Tillerson has differences with others in the White House on Iran but they fail to report what Tillerson’s position is. Is it one of moderation vis-a-vis others in the White House or an even more militant position? Continue reading

How Media Spread CIA's Sectarian, Anti-Iran 'Mideast Cold War' Narrative

25 July 2017 — FAIR

A new Vox video (7/17/17) is the latest addition to a media onslaught that propagates numerous misleading talking points  to demonize Iran—just as the US government, under Donald Trump’s vehemently anti-Iran administration, is ratcheting up aggression against that country.

The 10-minute film, titled “The Middle East’s Cold War, Explained,” is a textbook example of how US government propaganda pervades corporate media. With the help of a former senior government official and CIA analyst, the Vox video articulates a commonplace pro-US, anti-Iran narrative that portrays the violent conflicts in the Middle East as sectarian proxy wars between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

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How Media Spread CIA’s Sectarian, Anti-Iran ‘Mideast Cold War’ Narrative

25 July 2017 — FAIR

A new Vox video (7/17/17) is the latest addition to a media onslaught that propagates numerous misleading talking points  to demonize Iran—just as the US government, under Donald Trump’s vehemently anti-Iran administration, is ratcheting up aggression against that country.

The 10-minute film, titled “The Middle East’s Cold War, Explained,” is a textbook example of how US government propaganda pervades corporate media. With the help of a former senior government official and CIA analyst, the Vox video articulates a commonplace pro-US, anti-Iran narrative that portrays the violent conflicts in the Middle East as sectarian proxy wars between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

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Reuters vs. UN Cancer Agency: Are Corporate Ties Influencing Science Coverage?

24 July 2017 — FAIR

Ever since they classified the world’s most widely used herbicide as “probably carcinogenic to humans,” a team of international scientists at the World Health Organization’s cancer research group have been under withering attack by the agrichemical industry and its surrogates.

In a front-page series titled “The Monsanto Papers,” the French newspaper Le Monde (6/1/17) described the attacks as “the pesticide giant’s war on science,” and reported, “To save glyphosate, the firm [Monsanto] undertook to harm the United Nations agency against cancer by all means.”

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Statewatch News Online, 24 July 2017 (09/17): The EU goes to war with the African ‘elite’

24 July 2017 — Statewatch

In the midst of a refugee crisis perceived as being out of control the EU reached a dodgy deal with Turkey on 18 March 2016 and a few months signed a similar deal with Afghanistan on the return and readmission of refugees. These deals tossed out of the window EU and international laws and rights.

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