Building Immunity to Viral Pandemics

27 August 2020 — American Herald Tribune

We are facing two viral pandemics in 2020 which are oddly related yet profoundly different – the pandemic of a novel Coronavirus, and the extraordinarily contagious virus of disinformation, falsehoods, and bad science about that pandemic, itself being shared and spread in countries around the globe.

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Who Buys This Phony ‘Anti-Semitism’ Smear Language?

28 August 2020 — American Herald Tribune

If you support the genuine inheritors of the Holy Land you’re ‘pro-Semitic’.

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Semites are a language group not a religious group. They spoke (and still do) Semitic languages, especially the Canaanite and later Aramaic dialects of Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, and the Palestinian territories.

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“Your Economics Professor is almost Certainly a Charlatan: A review with commentary of ‘My Mis-Education in 3 Graphics’,” a film by Mary Filippo

August 20, 2020 — Monthly Review Essays
My Mis-Education in 3 Graphics

This fifty-eight-minute film will interest anyone who has taken a college-level course in economics, especially those who were baffled by the professor’s pronouncements but too insecure or embarrassed to ask an obvious question. Filmmaker Mary Filippo began in 2004 to audit economics classes in the hope that she could “learn something about globalization. Does it really help people in developing countries? What are its downsides?” She did not learn these things. She says, “What I found in these courses was instead a difficult to understand presentation of the economy through graphic models.”(1)

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