Watch: UKC News: ‘Case-demic’ Exposed and Why Gov’t COVID Narrative is Collapsing

31 August 2020 — 21st Century Wire

As people return f[rom] their ‘Stay-cation’ summer holidays, many schools and businesses are now wanting to open up, which poses a dilemma for politicians and government health officials – who risk losing much of the power they’ve managed to accumulate over the last 6 months by fostering an air of “pandemic” hysteria, and by promulgating fears of a second wave of coronavirus ‘cases.’ In this program we show how the main testing systems don’t actually work and how case numbers are being inflated by government in order to justify roll-out an obvious totalitarian and technocrat agenda. All this and more.

Co-hosts Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen and David Scott with the early week news round-up. Watch:
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The Seven-Step Path from Pandemic to Totalitarianism

23 April 2020 — Off Guardian

[This needs a revisit. WB]

There are just seven steps from pandemic declaration to permanent totalitarianism – and many jurisdictions are about to start Step 5

Rosemary Frei

As if it was planned in advance, billions of people around the globe are being forced step by rapid step into a radically different way of life, one that involves far less personal, physical and financial freedom and agency

Here is the template for rolling this out.
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HBO’s ‘Welcome to Chechnya’ is latest anti-Russian Cold War propaganda

29 August 2020 — Off Guardian

Max Parry

In 2017, explosive allegations first emerged that the authorities of the Chechen Republic were reportedly interning gay men in concentration camps. After a three year period of dormancy, the accusations have resurfaced in a new feature-length documentary by HBO Films entitled Welcome to Chechnya.

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Watch: Return Sessions – Charlie Parker Centenary with Gilad Atzmon & the Sigamos Quartet – 27/08/20

28 August 2020 — Gilad Atzmon

Dear friends and music lovers:

Here is our last night’s Livestream from Ronnie Scott’s Jazz club.

The reaction to the performance was astonishing. Many people were watching us live and shared their thoughts. For the musicians this was a very unique experience. We played in an empty club, yet communicated in real time with so many people around the world.
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