Climate Change: Why we can’t trust mainstream media

July 20, 2021 — Origin: Climate & Capitalism

A Q&A on capitalism, media, and climate: Print and share! 

Tyler Poisson is a public school teacher in Springfield, Massachusetts. He wrote this pamphlet for distribution in his community. We think other activists may find it useful: Click here to download a printable version (pdf) of the pamphlet.

How and why mainstream media minimizes climate change

by Tyler Poisson

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Not Forgetting Palestine

19 July 2021 — Craig Murray

Craig Murray

Once you have been active in politics for a few decades, you get used to the popular convulsions of support for Palestine every few years when Israel military action against Gaza becomes particularly intense. Then follows a ceasefire, the media move on and Israel resumes the daily routine of low level evictions, destruction of tree crops, imprisonments and murders that accomplishes the gradual extinction of the territories that the Western powers pretended to intend for a Palestinian state. Continue reading