Meet the Censored: Hitler

30 July 2021 — TK News

Can history itself violate community standards?

Matt Taibbi

Hitler, pre-mustache change.

100 years ago yesterday — on July 29, 1921 — Adolph Hitler was elected leader of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers’ Party, later known as the Nazi Party. The combustible Army corporal succeeded the party’s original leader, Anton Drexler, whom Hitler originally been sent to spy on, but whose ideas he came to admire (he may even have shaved his mustache to emulate his predecessor). The 533-1 delegate vote set in motion a series of events that would dominate the next two and a half decades of world history.

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The WHO Recommends Genetic Manipulation and Gene Editing of Humans “To Promote Public Health”

30 July 2021 — Global Research

The WHO has published official recommendations on DNA manipulation of humans.

By Jens Bernert

Those who warned that Corona “vaccinations“ were the first step towards the genetic manipulation of humans faced harsh attacks from quality media, politicians and activists who denied this and ridiculed the corresponding fears.

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