Depleted Uranium Contamination: A Crime against Humanity By Dr. Arun Shrivastava

26 March, 2012 — Global Research

This article is part of a longer essay on Depleted Uranium weapons, nuclear reactors and their environmental health impacts. 

In this article the long term consequences of radiation contamination from unilateral aggression of the US and NATO countries on South and West Asia are discussed. Afpak region is being bombed daily and the cold blooded murder of nine kids out of the seventeen killed is just a small blip when billions are done in.
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Media Lens: Postcard From The Precipice – An Appeal For Support

29 March, 2012 Media Lens

Erich Fromm understood that ‘selective inattention’ was at the heart of the problem. He devoted his life to exposing man’s capacity for ‘not observing what he does not want to observe; hence, that he may be sincere in denying a knowledge which he would have, if he wanted only to have it’. (Fromm, Beyond The Chains Of Illusion, Abacus, 1989, p.94)