VTJP Occupied Palestine and Israel News and Articles 14 March 2013

14 March 2013 — VTJP


International Middle East Media Center

Settler Woman, Her Children, Injured In The West Bank
IMEMC – Israeli Ynet News reported Thursday that a settler woman and her 3-year-old toddler have been injured after a number of Palestinians hurled stones at settlers vehicles driving on Route 5 that connects Tel Aviv with the Ariel illegal settlement in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. …

Bardaweel: “Hamas Will Continue To Smuggle Weapons Into Gaza”
IMEMC – Salah Bardaweel, a political leader of the Hamas movement in Gaza, and an elected member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, stated Thursday that his movement will continue the smuggling of weapons into the coastal region as part of its resistance activities against the Israeli occupation, and added “no one in the entire world can stop it from doing so”. …

Army Kidnaps 23 Palestinians In The West Bank
IMEMC – Thursday at dawn March 14, 2013, Israeli soldiers invaded several Palestinian communities in different parts of the occupied West Bank, and kidnapped 23 Palestinians. The soldiers broke into and searched dozens of homes causing damage. …

Israeli Navy Opens Fie At Fishermen In Gaza
IMEMC – Thursday March 14, 2013, the Israeli Navy attacked several Palestinian fishermen and fishing boats in the As-Sudaniyya coastal area, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, No injuries have been reported but the fishermen had to go back home after being denied the right to fish. …

Dozens Injured In Nablus, Six Kidnapped
IMEMC – Thursday morning March 14, 2013, Palestinian medical sources in Nablus in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, reported that dozens of Palestinians have been treated for the effects of teargas inhalation, after the army invaded Talfeet nearby village and clashed with local youths. Army also kidnapped six Palestinians in the Nablus district. …

Ma’an News

Tulkarem teenager injured by Israeli fire
3/14/2013 – TULKAREM (Ma’an) – A young Palestinian man was shot and seriously injured by Israeli troops near Tulkarem in the northern West Bank Thursday evening. The victim was identified as 18-year-old Hamza Haloub. He was hit by a live gunshot to his lower chest while walking near the Jashouri factories area west of Tulkarem….

Lawyer: Issawi close to death
3/14/2013 – RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Samer Issawi “could die at any moment,” his lawyer warned Wednesday, after the prisoner escalated his seven-month hunger strike by refusing water. Medics at Kaplan Medical Center summoned lawyer Jawad Bulous and urged him to convince Issawi to resume taking fluids, the Palestinian Prisoners Society said in a statement. Issawi is….

Israel forces launch arrest raids across West Bank
3/14/2013 – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces conducted arrest raids in cities and villages across the West Bank overnight Wednesday. An Israeli military spokeswoman said 19 Palestinians were arrested and taken for security questioning, but locals reported a higher number of detentions. The army spokeswoman told Ma’an that forces detained 11 people in Beit….

Hamas military wing denies report linking leaders to Egypt attack
3/14/2013GAZA CITY (Ma’an) – Hamas‘ military wing says it will sue the editor-in-chief of Al-Ahram Al-Arabi magazine over a report Thursday accusing Hamas leaders of killing Egyptian soldiers in the northern Sinai.”We will file legal proceedings against the editor-in-chief of Al-Ahram over his false claims,” al-Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Ubayda told a…. Related: Hamas leaders accused in attack killing 16 Egyptian soldiers

Locals clash with soldiers in Burin
3/14/2013 – NABLUS (Ma’an) — Israeli forces fired tear gas at residents of Burin village on Wednesday evening, locals said. Clashes erupted between villagers and soldiers at the eastern side of the village, near Bracha settlement, locals told Ma’an, adding that soldiers fired large amounts of tear gas. [END]

Demonstrators hold sit-in for 73-year-old prisoner
3/14/2013 – RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Demonstrators in Ramallah demanded the release of 73-year-old Fouad al-Shobaki from Israeli prison at a sit-in protest on Wednesday. Al-Shobaki marked 10 years in Israeli jails on Wednesday and is suffering poor health, Fatah member Sultan Abul Einen said. [END]

Israeli forces detain 4 in Jerusalem
3/14/2013 – JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces arrested four Palestinians in East Jerusalem at dawn Thursday during raids on their homes. Troops detained Adel Najib, 28, and Ibrahim Rezeq, 27, from the Old City. In Silwan, forces arrested 20-year-old Iyad al-Shalabi and 18-year-old Yazan Siam, a Ma’an reporter said. The detainees’….

‘I don’t want their money. I want to walk again’
3/14/2013 – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A 24-year-old man who was paralyzed when Israeli tanks shelled a mourning tent says his claim for compensation, dismissed by an Israeli court, was his last hope.” This court case was my only hope and now even that is gone. I am feeling cheated,” Arafat Dayem told the Palestinian Center….

Chief justice: ‘Honor killing’ unacceptable in Islam
3/14/2013 – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) – Killing women under the pretext of so-called family honor is a breach of Islamic law, says the head of the Palestinian Higher Judicial Council chief justice Yousif Ideis. In an article published on the website of the council, Ideis added that the phenomenon has been increasing in Palestine and several “innocent….

Settlers chase Palestinians off farmland near Hebron
3/14/2013 – HEBRON (Ma’an) – Israeli settlers from Ma’on settlement near Yatta south of Hebron on Thursday vandalized summer crops in fields belonging to Palestinian farmers from Yatta, an official said. Local popular committee spokesman Ratib al-Jubour said in a statement that settlers from the illegal settlement chased Palestinian farmers and shepherds in the….

Obama tries new tack with Israel, reaching out to wary public
3/14/2013 – WASHINGTON (Reuters) — After nearly four years of often testy relations with Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Barack Obama is about to try a different tack – going over the head of Israel‘s prime minister and appealing directly to the Israeli people. Obama‘s first presidential visit to Israel next week, while certainly including meetings…. Related: Obama reaffirms to Israelis he will prevent an Iran nuclear bomb

Egypt postpones deporting Palestinians carrying military maps
3/14/2013 – CAIRO (Ma’an) — Egyptian authorities on Thursday delayed the deportation of seven Palestinians found with maps of Egyptian military sites, a security source said. Egyptian President Mohammad Mursi has asked to be updated on the investigation into the men, a security official told Ma’an. The official said the Palestinians had entered Egypt….

Diplomats: UN curbs Golan patrols after peacekeepers seized
3/14/2013 – BEIRUT (Reuters) — UN peacekeepers monitoring the ceasefire line between Syria and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights have scaled back patrols after rebels detained 21 Filipino observers for three days last week, diplomats said on Thursday. The seizure of the unarmed observers highlighted the vulnerability of the 1,000-strong UN
Disengagement Observer Force, whose mission began in….

Abbas wants peace talks this year
3/14/2013 – NOVO-OGARYOVO, Russia (Reuters) — President Mahmoud Abbas said on Thursday he hoped peace talks with Israel would restart this year although the chances of a resumption seemed slim. Abbas made his comments during a meeting in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said Russia would do all it could to promote peace in the region….

Hamas leaders accused in attack killing 16 Egyptian soldiers
3/14/2013 – CAIRO (Ma’an) – Egypt’s attorney general has received a notification from an Egyptian lawyer urging the AG to take into account reports on satellite TV stations and Al-Ahram Al-Arabi magazine related to an August attack against an Egyptian military base near the border with Gaza in Rafah killing 16 soldiers. The lawyer…. Related: Hamas military wing denies report linking leaders to Egypt attack

Israel sees 50,000 Syrian fighters backed by Iranian
3/14/2013 – JERUSALEM (Reuters) — Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah have built up a 50,000-strong army of Syrian militiamen to help the army keep President Bashar Assad in power, Israel‘s military intelligence chief said on Thursday. Major General Aviv Kochavi said the two Israeli foes, in addition to providing Assad’s forces weapons….

Russia, Palestine study power station for West Bank
3/14/2013 – RAMALLAH (Ma’an) – Russia and Palestine are studying the construction of a power station in the West Bank, the Russian ministry of economic development said Thursday. The statement, quoted by the website Russia Today, explained that Russian banks and companies could be involved in the project. Additionally, Russia may include Palestine on the list….

Obama reaffirms to Israelis he will prevent an Iran nuclear bomb
3/14/2013 – JERUSALEM (Reuters) — US President Barack Obama said on Thursday that the United States has significant capabilities to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and he was keeping all options on the table.” We think that it would take over a year or so for Iran to actually develop a nuclear weapon but obviously we…. Related: Obama tries new tack with Israel, reaching out to wary public

Netanyahu reaches coalition deal
3/14/2013 – JERUSALEM (Reuters) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clinched deals for a coalition government on Thursday reflecting a shift to the center and a domestic agenda that has shunted peacemaking with Palestinians to the sidelines. In control of 68 of parliament’s 120 seats, the right-wing leader’s new administration is expected to take….

New round of local elections set for June 1
3/14/2013 – RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Local elections will be held in 36 municipalities in the West Bank on June 1, the Central Elections Commission said Thursday. Most municipalities voted in new councils in October and November. However in some municipalities, voting was postponed due to court decisions, or because no electoral lists qualified for nomination in….

Hamas: PA arrests 10 members in West Bank
3/14/2013 – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Hamas on Thursday said Palestinian Authority security forces arrested 10 party members in the West Bank. Forces of the Fatah-led PA detained Hamas affiliates in Hebron and northwest of Jerusalem, Hamas said in a statement. [END]

Minister: 31 Palestinians died of N1H1
3/14/2013 – JENIN (Ma’an) — Thirty-one Palestinians have died of H1N1 in the Palestinian territory in the latest outbreak of the disease, while about 4,500 were infected but recovered, says the PA Minister of Health. Hani Abdeen told Ma’an Thursday that his ministry carried out a broad vaccination campaign across the Palestinian territory. More….

Iran, Russia, Vatican threaten to derail UN women’s rights appeal
3/14/2013 – UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) — An “unholy alliance” of Iran, Russia, the Vatican and others is threatening to derail a UN declaration urging an end to violence against women and girls by objecting to language on sexual, reproductive and gay rights, some UN diplomats said Wednesday. Delegates to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women….

Envoys: Iran steps up weapons lifeline to Syria’s Assad
3/14/2013 – UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) — Iran has significantly stepped up military support to Syrian President Bashar Assad in recent months, solidifying its position alongside Russia as the government’s lifeline in an increasingly sectarian civil war, Western diplomats said. Iranian weapons continue to pour into Syria from Iraq but also increasingly along other routes, including via….

Senior rebel source: US-trained Syrian rebels returning to fight
3/14/2013 – BEIRUT (Reuters) — Most of the first contingent of Syrian rebels taught by US army and intelligence officers in Jordan to use anti-tank and anti-aircraft weaponry have finished their training and are now returning to Syria to fight, a senior rebel said on Thursday. Western officials and Syrian rebel
commanders declined to comment on reports in….

Egypt eases rules on taking currency in and out of the country
3/13/2013 – CAIRO (Reuters) — Egypt said on Wednesday it was easing limits on travelers bringing currency in and out of the country and said visiting foreigners could now export more than $10,000 as long as they declared it upon entering. Egypt tightened currency controls in December, worried over pressure on the pound and a rush by Egyptians….


Israel’s Netanyahu ‘strikes’ coalition deal
AlJazeera 14 Mar 2013 – Prime minister’s Likud party has reached deal with centrist party to form new government after series of delays.

Palestine News Network

Israeli Soldiers Fire Tear Gas at Palestinians near Nablus
Palestine News Network

Palestinians Appeal in Israel’s Court Against Efrat Expansion
Palestine News Network

Palestinian, Israeli Activists Participate in Protest in Solidarity with Prisoners in Israeli Jails
Palestine News Network

Consumer Prices Down in February
Palestine News Network

CEC Commences Preparations for the Second Complementary Elections
Palestine News Network

Weather Forecast: Temperature Remains above Seasonal Average
Palestine News Network

EU Representative Opens Young Palestine Refugees’ Photo Exhibition in Gaza
Palestine News Network

This Court Case Was My Only Hope
Palestine News Network

Nuclear Energy Debate Absent
Palestine News Network

European Lawmakers Urge Suspension of Agreement with Israel
Palestine News Network

World Bank Transfers $60.5M in Budget Support to PA
Palestine News Network

UK Provides $18 Million to Support PA
Palestine News Network

Palestinian Center for Human Rights

PCHR launches 2012 Annual Report
Palestinian Center for Human Rights

3 Children Killed and 2 Others Injured by House Fire during Electricity Outage; 11 Persons Killed in House Fires Since t…
Palestinian Center for Human Rights

Palestinian Center for Human Rights

International Solidarity Movement

Student shot and many others injured during night raid in Al Fawwar camp , Hebron
3/14/2013 – International Solidarity Movement – 12th March 2013 International Solidarity Movement, Hebron , Occupied Palestine, By Team Khalil – One student is dead and three others were shot during an Israeli army night raid in the al-Fawwar camp south of Hebron on Tuesday. 5 others were also injured. 25 year old university student, Mahmoud Adel Tete, was shot with live ammunition alongside….

Relief Web

Relief Web 14 Mar 2013 – Source: US Department of State – Humanitarian Information Unit Country: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, occupied Palestinian territory, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey Syria: Numbers and Locations of Syrians Fleeing Internal Violence (as of 13 Feb 2013)

occupied Palestinian territory: UK provides $18 million to support the PA amid its financial crisis
Relief Web 14 Mar 2013 – Source: Government of the United Kingdom Country: occupied Palestinian territory, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland UK provides $18 million to support PA amid its financial crisis and help it deliver essential services and strengthen critical institutions. The…

occupied Palestinian territory: Japan Extends Grassroots Assistance for Establishing an Endoscopy Unit at the Haidar Abdul Shafi Medical Center in Gaza City
Relief Web 14 Mar 2013 – Source: Government of Japan Country: Japan, occupied Palestinian territory A grant contract was signed between the Representative Office of Japan in Ramallah, and Red Crescent Society for Gaza Strip. Mr. Junya Matsuura, Ambassador for Palestinian Affairs / Representative of Japan to…

occupied Palestinian territory: Government of Japan Supports Electricity and Health Grassroots Projects
Relief Web 14 Mar 2013 – Source: Government of Japan Country: Japan, occupied Palestinian territory Today, on March 13, 2013, Mr. Junya Matsuura, Ambassador for the Palestinian Affairs/ Representative of Japan to the PA, signed two grants contracts totaling $220,570, at the Representative Office of Japan…

occupied Palestinian territory: Briefing: Inside the E-1 Israeli settlement
Relief Web 14 Mar 2013 – Source: IRIN Country: occupied Palestinian territory JERUSALEM, 14 March 2013 (IRIN) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu kicked up a storm in November when he vowed to push ahead with the controversial “E-1” plan to build an Israeli neighbourhood for…

The National

1,000km trek across the Empty Quarter comes to an end in Dubai
The National 15 Mar 2013 – When the three friends arrive at the Park Hyatt hotel in Dubai they will become the first people to have crossed the Empty Quarter, a vast expanse of sand between Oman and the UAE, unaided.

24 killed in hour-long street battle in Iraq
The National 14 Mar 2013 – Gunmen wearing official uniforms stormed a government building in central Baghdad yesterday, sparking an hour-long street battle with security forces that left at least 24 people dead and 35 wounded.

Maid attacked sponsor with hammer over visa cancellation, Dubai court told
The National 14 Mar 2013 – A maid attacked her sleeping sponsor with a hammer after learning that her visa would be cancelled, hears court.

Anti-rape bill that increases punishment cleared by Indian cabinet
The National 14 Mar 2013 – The Indian cabinet yesterday cleared the draft of a controversial new anti-rape bill that lays down harsher punishments for a broader range of sexual crimes. Samanth Subramanian reports 

Sheikh Nahyan and Blair define education for today at Dubai forum
The National 14 Mar 2013 – The former British prime minister Tony Blair joined Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak last night to open the country’s first Global Education and Skills Forum. 

Hopes Pope Francis will seek peace with Islam
The National 14 Mar 2013 – Al Azhar, the 1,000-year-old centre of Sunni Muslim learning holds out olive leaf to Francis after acrimony with his predecessor. Bradley Hope and Hugh Naylor report 

Nepalese family’s five-month wait for son to be freed from Sharjah jail
The National 14 Mar 2013 – Embassy says authorities are working to free Durga Sunar, who was pardoned by his victim’s family after they received Dh42,300.

Protests greet EU leaders at summit
The National 14 Mar 2013 – With unemployment soaring in Europe, unrest grows over budget cuts and lack of growth.


Tel Aviv Marathon likely to snarl traffic
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Will Naftali Bennett bring revolution to Israel’s Religious Services Ministry?
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Israeli doctor suspended 16 years after leaving man to die on operating table
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Mr. Obama comes a-courtin’
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Israeli infant critically hurt in traffic accident caused by stone-throwing Palestinians
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Fears of leavened water to pause pumping from the Kinneret this Passover
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Pres. Obama: Iran still a year or so away from obtaining nuclear weapon
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Elbit’s outgoing CEO discusses Israeli defense industry’s biggest missed opportunity
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Abbas: Palestinians hope to restart peace talks with Israel this year
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

In last-minute hitch, Habayit Hayehudi refuses to sign coalition agreement
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Ultra-Orthodox prepare for new role in Israeli government: the underdogs
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

UN curbs Golan Heights patrols after peacekeepers seized, diplomats say
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Assad preparing to use chemical arms, says Israel’s military intel chief
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Settlers steal IDF tent erected to prevent Palestinian encampment
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Nature society surveys Jerusalem’s ancient roots
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Flock of storks in the skies of the Negev
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Israel’s new coalition: a winner’s alliance, a loser’s grudge
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Too early for the bubbly: Lapid and Bennett still face stern tests
Ha’aretz – 14 Mar 2013

Jerusalem Post

Hamas denies involvements in Sinai attack
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Egyptian paper names 3 members of Hamas‘s armed wing of involvement in terrorist attack that killed 16 Egyptian guards. 

Hamas warns Israel against harming minister
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Warning comes after Shin Bet report said Hamas Interior Minister Hammad was involved in plotting attacks against Israel

IMF warns Palestinian finances ‘increasingly precarious’
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – International Monetary Fund calls for urgent action to help close Palestinian budget deficit and stabilize the PA economy, saying mounting PA debt can lead some to undermine the PA‘s ability to govern effectively. 

Francis & the Jews
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – New pope’s appointment appears to be good for both Catholics and Jews. 

New Pope pledges good relations with Jews
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – In message to Rome’s chief rabbi, Pope Francis says he hopes to continue progress in relations between Catholics and Jews. 

Why we can’t allow Iran to go nuclear
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – During my tenure as foreign minister, I have made it a point to place the Mediterranean and the Middle East at the forefront of Italy’s agenda. 

Roses and paprika: In memory of my mother
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – “Hungarian cuisine has four ingredients,” my brother and I used to joke with my mother, teasing her about her roots, “paprika, poppy seeds, melted butter and goose fat.” 

Obama says Iran ‘year or so’ away from nuclear bomb
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – On eve of trip to Israel, US president tells Channel 2 that he and Netanyahu are able to “get stuff done,” have a “terrific, business-like relationship”; says he has no plans for releasing Jonathan Pollard immediately. 

Savir’s Corner: Interdependence
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – It remains our strongest and best ally, but America, too, for its own interests, is dependent on the views and policies of other powers and countries. 

Lapid, Bennett’s Vice Premier titles stall coalition
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Bayit Yehudi, Yesh Atid say PM must learn to keep his word; Netanyahu: Upcoming term to be one of the most difficult ever. 

To sacrifice and become closer
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – The soul is the spirit within us that gives us insight, feelings, understanding and, primarily, a conscience. 

In pursuit of peace: The view from Paris
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – The status quo is dangerous for Israelis and Palestinians alike. The apparent calm is illusory. 

A real solution to the conflict
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – We must give up the ideas of “Peace Now,” which wouldn’t last a minute, and embrace a “Peace Later” approach. 

Palestinian rocks hit bus, likely cause crash
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Stones thrown at several vehicles near Ariel settlement; toddler pulled from wreck not breathing, revived at scene. 

‘Egypt intensifies destruction of Gaza tunnels’
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Witnesses have heard explosions and increased Egyptian military activity; domestic security cited as reason for campaign. 

First Palestinian marathon set for April
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Marathon follows races held in J’lem, Tel Aviv in March; Organizers, ‘Right to Movement Palestine’ seek to showcase beautiful country. 

‘UN curbs Golan patrols after peacekeepers seized’
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Two Israeli officials confirm report that UN has reduced patrols in Golan and stopped them in area where hostages taken. 

Israeli lawyer goes after Abbas, Hamas in ICC
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Files request to prosecute “Palestine,” as a state; allege crimes by Palestinians against Israelis and Palestinians alike. 

Abbas hopes peace talks will restart this year
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013PA leader tells Russian president that he does not think the chances of negotiations taking place are very high. 

Voices of Jeru
salem: Design for life

Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Loren Minsky speaks to Ilanit Elisha Avigail, jewelry designer and owner of Ilanit Art, jewelry and accessory stores in Mahane Yehuda market. 

Obama’s new method: Reaching out to Israeli public
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Former Middle East adviser to Obama says this is an “opportunity for him to connect with the Israeli psyche.” 

Edelstein is Likud’s choice for Knesset Speaker
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Rivlin: Likud Beyteinu members wanted me as speaker; vote by entire Knesset to take place next week. 

UK MP suspended for blaming jail term on Jews
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Labor suspends politician after he allegedly blamed road accident he caused on “Jewish conspiracy,” Press Association reports. 

‘Iran believes chance of attack on it is low’
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Military intel head Kochavi tells Herzliya Conference Iran and Hezbollah are setting up militia in Syria made up of 50,000 fighters. 

Saudi mufti: Clerics should unite in fatwa on Assad
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Religious leader says by attacking civilians, Syrian regime is acting counter to Islam, assassinating Syrian president justified. 

In Jaffa, a quiet protest for Palestinian prisoners
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Israeli Jews and Arabs have been gathering in Jaffa square every day for weeks to protest what they say are unfair detentions. 

Canadian brothers sue anti-Semitic poster creator
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Jewish brothers sue creator of posters accusing list of prominent Winnipeg Jews, including mayor, of being “cockroaches.” 

Diplomats: Iran steps up military support to Assad
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Western diplomats say Iranian weapons continue to pour into Syria from Iraq and from new arms supply routes via Turkey, Lebanon. 

Australian Jews debate media role in abuse cases
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – Victims advocate complains of being called an “informer,” says pressure to cover-up prevalent. 

Fate of Tel Baruch hangs in balance after protests
Jerusalem Post 14 Mar 2013 – More than 7,000 people have signed a petition protesting the Tel Baruch development plans. 

The Guardian

Obama’s visit to Israel criticised as a ‘maintenance trip’ without peace plan
The Guardian 14 Mar 2013 – President’s three-day Middle East trip heavy on sight-seeing but will not involve any new drive for peace, White House confirms Barack Obama will present no new Middle East peace initiative when he makes his first visit…

Iran and Hezbollah ‘have built 50,000-strong force to help Syrian regime’
The Guardian 14 Mar 2013 – Israeli military intelligence chief says Iran hopes to prolong life of Assad regime and maintain influence after his fall Iran and Hezbollah have built a 50,000-strong parallel force in Syria to help prolong the life of…

Israel PM Netanyahu strikes coalition deal with rivals
The Guardian 14 Mar 2013 – Political partners to sign agreement to form new government that will be the first without ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties Binyamin Netanyahu emerged from seven weeks of deadlocked negotiations with his political rivals on Thursday to announce a…

The Guardian 14 Mar 2013 – Follow how the day unfolded after Amnesty documented increasing war crimes and other human rights abuses by both the Syrian government and armed opposition groups Matthew Weaver

Inter Press Service

Media Face a Palestinian Kick
IPS In an extraordinary move, a civilian has been sentenced to a year’s imprisonment for posting a picture on Facebook of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas dressed in a Real Madrid soccer outfit and kicking a ball. The sentencing is among several instances of a targeting of media in Palestinian areas….


International Human Rights Body Holds Hearing on Unfolding Humanitarian Crisis at Guantánamo

CIA Expands Iraq Role to Fight Syria Islamists

Mohammed Asfour latest victim to die at the hands of Israeli army

Saddam nostalgia lives on in Iraq (Video )

Domestic Spying Targets Americans Nationwide

Richard Daly and Nasir Khan on Israel and Palestine Issue

No SOFA? Then Transition Death Squad Control from Special Operations to CIA

Erased US data shows 1 in 4 missiles in Afghan airstrikes now fired by drone

Daily Star

Palestinians to push for release of 1,000 prisoners
Daily Star 14 Mar 2013 Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas‘s top priority is to secure the release of more than 1,000 prisoners held by Israel, an official said Thursday ahead of a visit by US President Barack Obama.

West aims to sabotage Iran vote -Tehran rights official
Daily Star 14 Mar 2013 Western powers are trying to sabotage Iran‘s presidential election in June but the vote will go ahead and offer a fair choice between reformists and conservatives.

Protesters, policemen injured in Bahrain clashes
Daily Star 14 Mar 2013 At least 10 civilians and several policemen were injured in Bahrain on Thursday, an opposition group and the government said.

Report blames Hamas for Egypt soldier killings
Daily Star 14 Mar 2013 A report by a state-owned Egyptian weekly magazine on Thursday accused the Palestinian militant movement Hamas of carrying out one of the bloodiest attacks against the Egyptian army in years.

Israelis, Palestinians pin no peace hopes on Obama trip
Daily Star 14 Mar 2013 Five years ago, a few months after a Palestinian rocket crashed through his kitchen ceiling, Pinhas Amar received a more welcome guest at his southern Israeli home – Barack Obama, then running for president of the…

UN: Syria refugee numbers jump 10 percent in week
Daily Star 14 Mar 2013 The U.N. said Thursday that the number of registered Syrian refugees jumped 10 percent in the past week alone, part of what the U.N. commissioner for refugees called a “staggering escalation.”

Tunisia PM: no proof Tunisian tied to Libya attack
Daily Star 14 Mar 2013 Tunisia’s new prime minister says there is no evidence to link a Tunisian to the September attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya that killed the American ambassador and three others.

Egypt: 38 soccer fans charged with violence
Daily Star 14 Mar 2013 Egyptian prosecutors have charged 38 members of a die-hard soccer fan club with belonging to an illegal group and other offenses.

Tunisia’s Larayedh takes office as protester buried
Daily Star 14 Mar 2013 Ali Larayedh became Tunisia’s new Islamist premier on Thursday, taking over from his predecessor Hamadi Jebali and faced with the task of ending a political and economic crisis gripping the country.

France urges EU to lift Syria arms ban to aid rebels
Daily Star 14 Mar 2013 French President Francois Hollande urged Europe’s leaders on Thursday to lift an arms embargo on Syria to help rebels battling for nearly two years to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

Stop The Wall

Palestinian women protest for freedom on the 8th of March
Stop The Wall – Palestinian Grassroots Anti-apartheid Wall Campaign khirbet Tana In the occasion of the 8th of march, the international Women’s Day, in the village of Qalqiliya 50 to 60 women participated in a protest in front of Habla gate, which divides Qalailiya from much of the rest of the district and crucial…

STW holds protest against Shafi Shomron waste dump in Sabastiya
Stop The Wall – Palestinian Grassroots Anti-apartheid Wall Campaign Sebastiya water waste I Last Friday, March 8th, Stop the Wall organized a demonstration in cooperation with the local organizations in Sabastiya and in Salfit district to protest against the Shafi Shomron settlement. Shafi Shomron has been ma
king life impossible to the villagers in innumerous…

Mohammad Assfour, martyred at the hands of the IOF
Stop The Wall – Palestinian Grassroots Anti-apartheid Wall Campaign Assfour I On February 22nd, during a protest in support of the hunger strikers in Aboud, 22-year-old student Mohammad Assfour was shot by the Israeli military, becoming the another martyr in the recent prisoners Intifada. The protest gathered 70 Palestinians showing their support and solidarity…

YNet News

Security Council concerned over Lebanon-Syria border violence
YNet News, 14 Mar 2013 – ….

Rabbi: Stone hurling is murder
YNet News, 14 Mar 2013 – ….

Protesters, policemen injured in Bahrain clashes 
YNet News, 14 Mar 2013 – ….

J’lem: Stones hurled at bus; passenger lightly injured
YNet News, 14 Mar 2013 – ….

Pentagon: Iranian plane pursued US spy drone
YNet News, 14 Mar 2013 – ….

Obama, don’t visit Ramallah
YNet News, 14 Mar 2013 – Op-ed: US president must realize that peace is impossible as long as incitement to hatred and violence against Jews persists ….

Intifada far off
YNet News, 14 Mar 2013 – Op-ed: Arab columnist says Palestinians will revolt against ‘occupation’ when they reach state of utter despair ….

Palestine Information Center

100 Palestinian civil organizations consider Obama’s visit futile
PIC – One hundred Palestinian NGO have signed a letter to President Barack Obama asking him to pressure Israeli authorities during his upcoming visit to the region to end settlements on Palestinian land.

Israeli arrest campaign in West Bank
PIC – Israeli Occupation authorities (IOA) launched a frenzied campaign of arrests at dawn on Thursday in the town of Beit Fajar southern Bethlehem in occupied West Bank.

Interior Ministry: Israeli accusations reflect an Israeli state of confusion
PIC – The Ministry of Interior and National Security in Gaza stated that the Israeli accusations against the Interior Minister Fathi Hamad reflect the Israeli state of turmoil and confusion.

Raed Salah: the repeated incursions into al-Aqsa are prelude to dividing it
PIC – Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the Islamic movement in 1948-occupied Palestine, warned against the Israeli escalation against the city of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque in particular.

Bardawil: Abbas suspends reconciliation due to Obama’s upcoming visit
PIC – MP Dr. Salah Bardawil said that the Palestinian reconciliation was suspended by the PA president Mahmoud Abbas, due to the upcoming U.S. President Barack Obama‘s visit to the region.

IOF soldiers deployed at entrance to Fawar camp
PIC – Israeli occupation forces (IOF) were deployed at the entrance to Fawar refugee camp in Al-Khalil on Thursday morning.

Ahrar: IOA wants to block return of liberated, deported prisoners to WB
PIC – Ahrar center for prisoners’ studies and human rights has charged that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) was terrorizing liberated, deported prisoners against returning to the West Bank.

Seven Palestinian refugees killed in Syria including two children
PIC – Seven Palestinian refugees were killed in Syria over the past 24 hours as shells continued to blast refugee camps in various areas.

IPS transfers hunger striker to solitary confinement
PIC – The Israeli prison service (IPS) transferred hunger striker Jamal Al-Nouri, who has been on hunger strike for 12 days, to an isolation cell in Beersheba jail.

Israeli gunboats terrorize Palestinian fishermen
PIC – Israeli navy gunboats opened intensive fire at Palestinian fishermen off the coast of northern Gaza Strip at dawn Thursday forcing them to retreat to shore.


Striking Prisoner’s Health in Critical Condition, says Rights Group
WAFA – 14 Mar 2013

European Parliament Votes in Favor of Resolution on Palestinian Prisoners
WAFA – 14 Mar 2013

EUPOL COPPS Organises Course on Cyber Crimes
WAFA – 14 Mar 2013

Israel to Uproot 100 Palm Trees near Jericho
WAFA – 14 Mar 2013

Released Prisoner Gets Compensation after Exoneration
WAFA – 14 Mar 2013

Fayyad Discusses Economy Development with UK Trade Minister
WAFA – 14 Mar 2013

Abbas Calls for Strategic Partnership with Russia
WAFA – 14 Mar 2013

Soldiers Fire Tear Gas at Village near Nablus
WAFA – 14 Mar 2013

Commission Prepares for Second Complementary Local Elections
WAFA – 14 Mar 2013

Israel Arrests Dozens from across West Bank
WAFA – 14 Mar 2013

Consumer Prices Down in February
WAFA – 14 Mar 2013

EU Representative opens Refugees’ Photo Exhibition in Gaza
WAFA – 14 Mar 2013


Israel prime minister forges deal for new coalition government
LA Times 14 Mar 2013 – A deal with the centrist Yesh Atid and the nationalist Jewish Home gives Benjamin Netanyahu a third term as leader. Ultra-Orthodox parties see a betrayal. JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached deals Thursday with two political rivals that will enable him to forge…

Paraplegic will leave wheelchair behind for Tel Aviv marathon
LA Times 13 Mar 2013 – Israeli Radi Kaiuf will use a ReWalk, a device that includes robotic leg braces, to compete in the 10K portion of the race. YOKNEAM ILLIT, Israel — The bullet that tore through Israeli paratrooper Radi Kaiuf’s spine during a 1988 Lebanon firefight shattered his dreams…

Syria denies reports of mass conscription
LA Times 13 Mar 2013 – The latest rumors fueled fears all men 50 and younger could be drafted to help the government battle a rebellion that has taken a heavy toll on the military. BEIRUT — Moving to quash rumors of mass conscription, the embattled Syrian government said Wednesday that…

In Battle for Highway in North, Syria’s Civil War Writ Small
New York Times 14 Mar 2013 – A battle for a stretch of northern road that government forces still risk using pits a conventional arsenal against fighters armed with faith as much as weapons. 

Netanyahu Prepares to Accept New Coalition
New York Times 14 Mar 2013 – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel planned to sign agreements Thursday with two first-time politicians, ending a six-week struggle to form a government. 

Obama Says Iran More Than a Year Away From Nuclear Weapon
New York Times 14 Mar 2013 – President Barack Obama told Israelis Iran is still more than year away from developing a nuclear weapon and sought to reassure them that military force remains a U.S. option if sanctions and diplomacy fail to thwart its nuclear ambitions. 

The Lede: Saudi Human Rights Record Comes Under New Scrutiny
New York Times 14 Mar 2013 – Saudi Arabia’s human rights record came under scrutiny again this week after seven men were publicly executed and a court sentenced two prominent civil rights activists to jail. 

Hamas Urges Collaborators With Israel to Surrender
New York Times 14 Mar 2013 – A campaign aims to persuade those who collaborate with the Israeli authorities to turn themselves in, suggesting that their cases would be settled quietly. 

To Aid Syria Rebels, France Urges End to Arms Embargo
New York Times 14 Mar 2013 – France joined Britain in urging its European Union partners to meet this month and take action to help the Syrian opposition. 

Bombers and Gunmen Attack in Baghdad
New York Times 14 Mar 2013 – The attacks in the Iraqi capital, apparently coordinated, involved car bombs outside three government ministries, a raid by gunmen and a suicide bombing. 

At War Blog: A Diarist at War
New York Times 14 Mar 2013 – The wartime writings of a Marine who invaded Iraq make up part of an exhibit at the Bronx Documentary Center. 

Netanyahu: First task is to pass budget
Globes Main News – As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forms his new government, he declares his first task is to pass a budget that will ensure growth.

Shufersal set to spin off real estate
Globes Main News – Shufersal Real Estate, a new company, will buy the supermarket chain’s assets at the beginning of April.

Mobile consumers spoke more, paid less in 2012
Globes Main News – Despite rising competition and lower profits, the carriers still managed to post handsome profits in 2012.

Bezeq profits fall 10%
Globes Main News – The telecom operator’s net profit fell 10% to NIS 1.86 billion from NIS 2.07 billion, and will fall further in 2013.

Analysts see no change in CPI in February 
Globes Macro Economics – If the zero forecast materializes, inflation for the preceding 12 months through February will be 1.5%, below the 1-3% inflation target midpoint.

“Israel’s defense industry must consolidate” 
Globes Aerospace & Defense – Outgoing Elbit Systems CEO Joseph Ackerman says only big companies can compete on global markets.

Israel’s New Settler Government–Formed Just in Time for Obama Visit
Tikun Olam – The new Israeli cabinet announced today is a government of the settlers , by the settlers and for the settlers.  Of course, in the past government the settlers maintained dominance over all issues that concerned them.  But the new coalition will solidify such control.  Not only will…

Deputy Shin Bet, IDF Nuclear Weapons Chiefs Named (and Their Favorite Beverages)
Tikun Olam – Censored list of hot beverages preferred by Israeli military-intelligence commanders Out of a mundane, even silly development like the airing of an Israeli TV news report on the favored beverages for IDF and intelligence top brass on the 14th floor of the Kirya (Israel’s Pentagon), the…

New Faces, Same Agenda: Incoming Israeli government will intensify push to colonize the West Bank
Mondoweiss – Benjamin Netanyahu has finally put the finishing touches on the new Israeli government as President Obama prepares to visit to Israel/Palestine next week. Although there are some new faces and parties in the ruling bloc, the situation on the ground will look like more of the…

Israeli claims of West Bank ‘terror cell’s fly from Jerusalem to D.C. and back again
Mondoweiss – The Jerusalem Post is reporting serious allegations from the Shin Bet, which Hamas has denied . The Post quotes the Israeli government saying that Hamas is gearing up “terror cells” and suicide bombing operation s in the West Bank: Hamas in Gaza has increased efforts to set…

Double standard
Mondoweiss – Yesterday Amy Walters of NPR did a story about two fashion moguls . She introduced them in this manner (boldface mine): Let me start by introducing you to Dov Charney, founder and CEO of American Apparel….  Charney is 44, Canadian-American, and he has a reputation for near-naked…

Anti-semitism charge against Mearsheimer failed
Mondoweiss – Time marches forward. In 2011, Croton-Harmon High School in New York decided to honor John Mearsheimer with its Distinguished Graduate Award. Josh Blumberg, then a senior at the school, was vexed by this. He had learned about Mearsheimer’s work when he was a member of “Write…

Praising Rand Paul, Huffington and Greenwald decry Dems’ national security creed
Mondoweiss – The Rand Paul filibuster continues to resonate, and to shake up party politics with hints of a new antiwar coalition. Arianna Huffington urges the lib-left to celebrate Paul’s intervention, and to discredit the national-security strain inside the Democratic Party. She went on Bill Maher’s show and…

Obama Vows To Block Iran From Making Bomb 
The Foward Breaking News 14 Mar 2013 – President Barack Obama said on Thursday that the United States has significant capabilities to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and he was keeping all options on the table. Click here for the rest of the article…

Barack Obama’s Visit to Israel Fails To Ignite Faded Peace Hopes — On Either Side 
The Foward Breaking News 14 Mar 2013 – If there is one thing that seems to unite Israelis and Palestinians days before Obama’s visit to Israel, the occupied West Bank and Jordan next week, it is their talk of broken promises and lack of hope that he will ever bring peace. Click here for…

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Wants Fresh Peace Talks With Israel 
The Foward Breaking News 14 Mar 2013 – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Thursday he
hoped peace talks with Israel would restart this year although the chances of a resumption seemed slim. Click here for the rest of the article…

Barack Obama Plans To Launch Charm Offensive Aimed at Israeli Public 
The Foward Breaking News 14 Mar 2013 – After nearly four years of often testy relations with Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. President Barack Obama is about to try a different tack – going over the head of Israel’s prime minister and appealing directly to the Israeli people. Click here for the rest of the article……

Benjamin Netanyahu Cobbles Together Israel Coalition of Rivals 
The Forward New 14 Mar 2013Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has successfully assembled a government. It has 68 seats and excludes ultra-Orthodox parties. Click here for the rest of the article…

Controversial Panel on Israel Moved From Ansche Chesed After Rabbi Balks 
The Forward New 14 Mar 2013 – A panel discussion on whether Israel is a democracy has been moved from one Manhattan synagogue to another, following an objection to the event from the first synagogue’s rabbi. Click here for the rest of the article…

Another Palestinian Dies from Clashes with Occupation Forces 
Palestine Solidarity Project 14 Mar 2013 – On Tuesday evening a young man named Mahmoud Adel Fares Titi, twenty five years old was killed in the Al-Fawwar refugee camp, Hebron district in the southern West Bank. Eight others were injured in clashes with the occupation army. The young men were transported to the…

Land Day: Celebrate Resistance and Intensify BDS 
Global BDS 14 Mar 2013 – On March 30, Palestinians will commemorate Land day, a day in 1976 when Israeli military forces shot and killed six young Palestinian citizens of Israel. These brave youth were among thousands protesting the Israeli government’s expropriation of Palestinian land. Today, we continue to celebrate Palestinian resistance…

Israel PM ‘reaches coalition deal’ 
BBC 14 Mar 2013 – The Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu reaches a deal to form a coalition government with the Yesh Atid and Jewish Home parties, officials say.

Iran nuclear weapon ‘over year away’ 
BBC 14 Mar 2013US President Barack Obama tells an Israeli TV channel that it would take Iran “over a year or so” to develop a nuclear weapon.

France backs end to Syria arms ban 
BBC 14 Mar 2013 – French President Francois Hollande backs calls for the EU arms embargo on Syria to be lifted to allow weapons to reach anti-government rebels.

US war in Iraq cost over $2 trillion: repot 
Al-Akhbar News 14 Mar 2013 – An ambulance arrives at the scene of a bomb attack in Baghdad, on March 14, 2013. A coordinated string of bombings and brazen assault on a ministry near Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone killed 18 people, in the Iraqi capital’s deadliest violence this month. (Photo: AFP…

Russian warships dock at Beirut port en route to Syria: al-Mayadeen 
Al-Akhbar News 14 Mar 2013 – Lebanon-based news channel al-Mayadeen reported that three Russian battle-cruisers have docked at the Port of Beirut where they are expected to stay for three days before heading north to the Tartus port in Syria. The Tartus base is Russia’s only remaining foreign military base and is…

Bahrainis stage protests on anniversary of Saudi-led incursion 
Al-Akhbar News 14 Mar 2013 – A protester runs to take cover from tear gas fired by riot police during early hours of clashes in the village of Sanabis, west of Manama March 14, 2013. (Photo: Reuters – Hamad I Mohammed) A protester runs to take cover from tear gas fired by…

Palestinian hunger-striker Issawi “on the verge of death” 
Al-Akhbar News 14 Mar 2013 – Palestinians hold placards depicting prisoner Samer al-Issawi, who has been on an intermittent hunger strike for 209 days, during a protest in the West Bank city of Ramallah calling for the release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails in this February 17, 2013 file photo. (Photo:…

Iraq and Iran’s Oil Pipeline Politics 
Al-Akhbar News 14 Mar 2013 – Irani workers weld the pipeline during a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the inauguration of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline, in the city of Chahbahar in southeastern Iran 11 March 2013. (Photo: Mian Khursheed) Irani workers weld the pipeline during a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the inauguration of…

Protesters march through Lebanon’s Zaytouna Bay 
Al-Akhbar News 14 Mar 2013 – Workers and their supporters march through the upscale seaside promenade of Zaytouna Bay flanked by police. (Photo: Al-Akhbar – Ahmad Nassar) Workers and their supporters march through the upscale seaside promenade of Zaytouna Bay flanked by police. (Photo: Al-Akhbar – Ahmad Nassar) Hundreds of Lebanese workers…

Syrian Opposition Gets a Shake-Up 
Al-Akhbar Politics 14 Mar 2013 – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Britain’s Foreign Secretary William Hague hold a joint news conference in Lancaster House in central London 13 March 2013. (Photo: Reuters – Oli Scarff) Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Britain’s Foreign Secretary William Hague hold a joint news conference…

Mauritania: Braving the Deadly Seas for Europe 
Al-Akhbar Politics 14 Mar 2013 – A refugee who was among two boatloads of asylum-seekers carrying 184 people from Myanmar rescued by Indonesian fishermen on 26 February 2013. (Photo: AFP – Sutanta Aditya) A refugee who was among two boatloads of asylum-seekers carrying 184 people from Myanmar rescued by Indonesian fishermen on…

Sheikh Assir’s Antics Rattle Lebanon’s Security 
Al-Akhbar Politics 13 Mar 2013 – Ahmad al-Assir speaks on a talkie walkie during a sit-in in Sidon, southern Lebanon, 28 June 2012. (Photo: Ali Hashisho) Ahmad al-Assir speaks on a talkie walkie during a sit-in in Sidon, southern Lebanon, 28 June 2012. (Photo: Ali Hashisho) Salafi Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir tested his…

Drawing a New Map of North Lebanon, Syrian Fighters Included 
Al-Akhbar Politics 13 Mar 2013 – A sniper of the Free Syrian Army, watches government positions during ongoing clashes with regime forces in the frontline neighborhood of Al Mtarall Adem on 28 February 2013 (Photo: AFP – Zac Baillie) A sniper of the Free Syrian Army, watches government positions during ongoing clashes…

Israel PM ‘reaches coalition deal’ 
BBC 14 Mar 2013 – The Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu reaches a deal to form a coalition government with the Yesh Atid and Jewish Home parties, officials say.

Iran nuclear weapon ‘over year away’ 
BBC 14 Mar 2013US President Barack Obama tells an Israeli TV channel that it would take Iran “over a year or so” to develop a nuclear weapon.

Bombers target Baghdad ministries 
BBC 14 Mar 2013 – More than 20 people have been killed in a series of bomb and gun attacks on government buildings in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, police and medics say.

Dozens injured in Bahrain unrest 
BBC 14 Mar 2013 – Dozens of people, including police officers have been injured in unrest marking the second anniversary of a Saudi led intervention into gulf island state.

France backs end to Syria arms ban 
BBC 14 Mar 2013 – French President Francois Hollande backs calls for the EU arms embargo on Syria to be lifted to allow weapons to reach anti-government rebels.


’I don’t want their money. I want to walk again’ 
Ma’an News Agency 3/14/2013
      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A 24-year-old man who was paralyzed when Israeli tanks shelled a mourning tent says his claim for compensation, dismissed by an Israeli court, was his last hope.
     “This court case was my only hope and now even that is gone. I am feeling cheated,” Arafat Dayem told the Palestinian Center for Human Rights.
     On Jan. 5, 2009, Israeli tanks shelled a mourning tent in Beit Hanoun for Dayem’s cousin Arafa, a medic killed on duty during Israel‘s 3-week war on Gaza, Operation Cast Lead.
     Five people were killed in the shelling and 17 were injured, including Dayem who was hit by a flechette in the neck and paralyzed.
     An Israeli court on Feb. 14 dismissed Dayem’s claim for compensation.
     “I collapsed when I was told that my case has been dismissed,” Dayem told PCHR.
     “It was a huge shock, because I was hopeful that my case would succeed. After all, I am a civilian and I was mourning the loss of my cousin.”
     He added: “I will not give up my case. They cannot dismiss it like this. I don’t want money. I want treatment. This is injustice. Call the judge here, or take me to him. I want to ask the judge what right do they have to put me in this condition?” more.. e-mail

Bracing for Obama 
Khaled Amayreh in occupied Jerusalem, Al-Ahram Weekly 3/13/2013
      Observers of the Israeli-Palestinian struggle are all but resigned to the fact that Obama’s upcoming visit will see no breakthrough in the conflict.
     Both Palestinians and Israelis are expecting little from President Obama’s visit to Israel-Palestine next week, with pundits on both sides arguing that realities on the ground are far beyond his ability to make a breakthrough in the decades-old conflict.
     Obama will meet with Israeli leaders, particularly Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Israeli President Shimon Peres. Netanyahu is trying to wrap up the formation of a new cabinet following 22 January elections in which the right-wing alliance, led by Netanyahu’s party, the Likud, failed to win a decisive victory.
     The three main issues Netanyahu and Obama will be discussing are the Iranian nuclear issue, the Syrian crisis and the conflict with the Palestinians.
     Israeli leaders will also press the visiting US president on a number of other issues, including the possibly of pardoning convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard and allocating more American funds for Israeli anti-missile systems such as the Iron Dome.
     Netanyahu will resist any possible American pressure on Israel to freeze Jewish settlement expansion in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
     The Israeli premier will argue that “building houses for Jews” in “Judea and Samaria” (the Biblical names of the West Bank) enjoys a broad consensus among Israeli Jews and that Israel would be committing national suicide by freezing settlement building…more.. e-mail

Zionism’s diabolical blueprint 
Stuart Littlewood, Redress 3/11/2013
      DALET: another dirty word in the conspiracy to steal the land of Palestine.
     I have to admit, I was only dimly aware of the Dalet Plan before reading Alan Hart’s latest article, “The green light for Zionism’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine”.
     The Dalet Plan, or Plan D, was the Zionist terror mob’s diabolical blueprint for the violent and blood-spattered takeover of the Palestinian homeland – some call it the Palestinian holocaust – written 65 years ago and based on three earlier schemes drafted between 1945 and 1948. It was drawn up by the Jewish underground militia, the Haganah, at the behest of David Ben-Gurion, then boss of the Jewish Agency. Blood-splattered diabolical blueprint
     Plan D was a carefully thought-out, step-by-step plot choreographed in advance of the British mandate government’s withdrawal and the Zionists’ declaration of Israeli statehood. It correctly assumed that the British authorities would no longer be there. Indeed, the British had completed their departure by 15 May 1948. The Plan’s intention, on the surface, was to gain control of the areas of the Jewish state and defend its borders. But it also aimed to do much more. It included measures to control the areas of Jewish settlements and concentrations located outside Jewish borders and ensure “freedom of military and economic activity” by occupying and controlling important high-ground positions on a number of transport routes.
     This would be achieved by, among other things, applying economic pressure on the enemy by besieging some of his cities”, “encirclement of enemy cities” and “blocking the main enemy transportation routes… Roads, bridges, main passes, important crossroads, paths, etc. must be blocked by means of: acts of sabotage, explosions, series of barricades, minefields, as well as b
y controlling the elevations near roads and taking up positions there. more.. e-mail

Memory, Myth and the Military Government: Emile Habibi’s Collective Autobiography 
Seraje Assi, Jerusalem Quarterly File 3/12/2013
      Winter Issue
     This essay examines a body of literary works by the Palestinian writer Emile Habibi. Central to my analysis is the emergence in Habibi’s fiction of a form of writing that could perhaps be called collective autobiography – to distinguish it from the more impersonal social history – which meshes personal and popular memory to tell stories of a people in, but not of, a particular time (the period of Military Government) and of a particular place (Palestine) whose existence is unacknowledged. Habibi writes a collective autobiography which is also, in some of his best works, a form of myth, a telling of the story of a people’s origins and their fate. In these writings over four decades of literary production, Habibi’s choice of genres gradually changes, from romance and tragedy to satire and tragicomedy, as he seeks ways of portraying the paradoxes of Palestinian life in the Israeli state.
     Habibi’s fictional writing is seen here as belonging to the literature produced by Arabs living in Israel under the Military Government (MG) between the years 1948 and 1967. For it is to this critical period that the bulk of Habibi’s writing is devoted, serving as an intimate witness to the early history of Palestinians in Israel, widely referred to as the “Israeli Arabs.” This fictional writing thus contains considerable autobiographical content, so that the question then becomes how is the MG period portrayed and imagined in Habibi’s work of this period?
     An answer may be found by introducing an alternative notion of Palestinian identity in this period, seeing identity in this context as a form of practice, survival tactics employed in a game that involves affirmation and rejection, collaboration and resistance but never fixed…. more.. e-mail

Nablus court jails man for depicting Abbas as soccer star
Electronic Intifada: 14 Mar 2013 – Mel Frykberg Ramallah 14 March 2013 In an unprecedented move, Anas Saad Awad has been convicted of a crime after posting a satirical image on Facebook. more

Inside the E-1 Israeli Settlement
Palestine Chronicle: 14 Mar 2013 – By IRIN – Jerusalem Palestine, now upgraded to a non-member observer state at the UN General Assembly, recently threatened to ask the International Criminal Court to investigate Israel if it moves forward with E-1 (Palestine would first have to sign onto the Rome Statute that created the Court). There was much fanfare over Netanyahu’s announcement last year but what has happened since? How quickly could E-1 become reality? And what of the oft-overlooked humanitarian implications? What’s the process? The master plan for E-1 – including 3,500-4,000 housing units, 2,100 hotel rooms, an industrial area and a regional police headquarters west of the Israeli settlement of Ma’ale Adummim – was first conceived in 1994, expedited in 1999 and approved in 2002 but has been frozen for years due to US resistance. On 30 November 2012, one day after the UN General Assembly voted to recognize Palestine as an observer state, Netanyahu...more

Israeli Appetite for US Welfare Funds
Palestine Chronicle: 14 Mar 2013 – By Jamal Kanj Failing to agree on ways to reduce the deficit, the US president was forced earlier this month to enact the Budget Control Act (BCA) into law. The debt ceiling compromise was originally agreed to between Congress and the president in summer 2011. Known as sequestration, it forces across the board spending cuts by over $85 billion in 2013, increasing to $109bn thereafter reaching $1.5 trillion by 2021. BCA cuts were divided equally between domestic and defense programs. It was originally stipulated to take effect on January 1, 2013 but was delayed for two months to avoid the “fiscal cliff”. Economists predicted the US economy would nosedive into recession if the compulsory budget cuts were combined with the expiration of the Bush tax breaks for the rich and increased payroll tax. Each of the two parties were hoping the results of the 2012 election would send a resounding…more

Video: Permission to Narrate
013 – A short film by Birzeit University students – the right to education campaign.more

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