As US Consigns Iranians to Death, Corporate Media Look the Other Way

8 April 2020 — FAIR


Covid-19 has hammered few countries as hard as it has hit Iran, which reports (as of April 8) 64,586 cases and 3,993 deaths. US sanctions are a major reason that Iranians are getting infected with and dying from the coronavirus in such large numbers: The US’s economic warfare softened Iran up for the pandemic well before its outbreak.

Protect renters during coronavirus!

8 April 2020 — London Renters Union

London Renters Union

 To: Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Sign the Petition

Campaign created by London Renters Union LRU
Protect renters during coronavirus!

Rent payments should be suspended for all renters. Emergency laws should be introduced so that no one is evicted from their home during the Coronavirus pandemic or in the aftermath. The 216,000 empty homes in the UK should be used to provide housing to people who need it.

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Pandemic lays bare Israel’s systemic racism

8 April 2020 — The Electronic Intifada

Diana Buttu

An Israeli policeman in a face mask gestures at two men, also in face masks, and one boy without

People in Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox communities have widely flouted government restrictions to combat the coronavirus pandemic, but it is the Palestinian population that feels the brunt of emergency legislation. – Ziv Koren Polaris

As I sit in my house in Haifa, quarantined, like others around the world, I cannot help but recall a previous experience under Israeli-imposed curfew.

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The smearing of Ken Loach and Jeremy Corbyn is the face of our new toxic politics

8 April 2020 — Jonathan Cook

The film-maker’s crime – like Corbyn’s – wasn’t antisemitism but recalling a time when class solidarity inspired the struggle for a better world

Ken Loach, one of Britain’s most acclaimed film directors, has spent more than a half a century dramatising the plight of the poor and the vulnerable. His films have often depicted the casual indifference or active hostility of the state as it exercises unaccountable power over ordinary people.

Last month Loach found himself plunged into the heart of a pitiless drama that could have come straight from one of his own films. This veteran chronicler of society’s ills was forced to stand down as a judge in a school anti-racism competition, falsely accused of racism himself and with no means of redress.
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66,000 UK deaths projected by ‘Institute’ has 95 per cent ‘uncertainty’ value

8 April 2020 — True Publica

By TruePublica: There are many headlines in a range of national newspapers across the spectrum reporting that Britain could see as many as 66,000 COVID-19 deaths during the first wave of the current pandemic. This is new research published Tuesday (07/04), effectively making the outbreak in Britain by far the deadliest in Europe. In fact, this report states that 43 per cent of all deaths in Europe from COVID-19 will be located in Britain. But does this American report have a hidden agenda?

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