Green Strategy: To beat climate change, humanity needs socialism

14 November, 2019 — People’s World

Demonstrators sit on the ground in front of the White House, April 29, 2017, during a demonstration and march. Thousands gathered across the country to march in protest of President Trump’s environmental policies, which have included rolling back restrictions on mining, oil drilling, and greenhouse gas emissions at coal-fired power plants.| Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP

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Hunger Games: Food Abundance and Twisted Truths

24 November 2019 — Global Research

The world already produces enough food to feed 10 billion people but over two billion are experiencing micronutrient deficiencies (of which 821 million were classed as chronically undernourished in 2018). However, supporters of genetic engineering (GE) crops continually push the narrative that GE technology is required if we are to feed the world and properly support farmers. 

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Surprise! MSM Spins OPCW Leak As Russian Disinfo

25 November 2019 — Caitlin Johnson

So, you might want to sit down for this, but believe it or not the mainstream media is behaving in a way that seems somewhat untruthful.

I know! I know. I’m just as astonished as you are.

So you know that Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons scandal we’ve been talking a lot about lately? The one where evidence keeps piling up that the US, UK and France launched airstrikes against the Syrian government last year in retaliation for a poison gas attack which never took place, and then manipulated an ostensibly independent and international chemical weapons watchdog organization into covering it up?

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5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity

25 November 2019 — Global Research

This important article was first published by Global Research in February 2019.

Disclosure about 5G — and its considerable risk for humanity — is occurring within the United Nations. This is thanks to longtime UN staff member and whistle-blower Claire Edwards, who recently contacted me with this powerful story which touches all of humanity and our shared future. Watch the interview on YouTube here or on Facebook here. – Josh del Sol Beaulieu


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