Covid Update, Spring 2021

30 March 2021 — Swiss Policy Research

An update on virus origin, vaccines, early treatment, long covid, and covid mortality.

Facts about covid-19

The fully referenced 20 facts about covid-19 have been thoroughly updated. In the section below the summary, there are 16 updated diagrams, followed by all recent SPR articles on covid-19.

Read more: Facts about covid-19 or in German: Fakten zu Covid-19

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Covid Vaccine Nonsense

30 March 2021 — Off Guardian

US-based human rights lawyer breaks down the contradictory claims of “effectiveness”, the incomplete studies and legal minefield of forced use of experimental vaccines

P Jerome

The efforts to require every American to be injected with an experimental vaccine for Covid-19 are based on the false notion that vaccination will protect recipients from becoming infected with SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, or protect them from passing along the infection to other people.

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What is an Anti-Vaxxer?

13th March 2021 — Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

Goodbye age of enlightenment. So long scientific debate. Finally killed by COVID19. You will be missed. I hope some small groups may manage to keep the flame alive. Right now, it seems to have been stamped out.

I am particularly interested in the whole concept of being ‘anti-‘ or a ‘denier’, or a sceptic. I think in great part this is due to constant attacks I have had to put up with because of my views of cholesterol and statins. I am often called a statin ‘denier’. I have also been referred to as a professional contrarian, a sceptic, a zealot and suchlike. The best general insult was from Steven Nissen, perhaps the world’s most influential cardiologist:

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Believing in impossible things – and COVID19

6 March 2021 — Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

“Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”

“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

1: ‘The Concept of Coronavirus Herd Immunity Is Deadly and Dangerous’

Since COVID19 first hurtled over the horizon, before landing upon us all with great force, I find that I have been asked to believe in many impossible things. First, I was told that attempting to create herd immunity was not achievable. It would also be extremely dangerous and would inevitably result in many hundreds of thousands of excess deaths.

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Crony Capitalism UK: Barnard Castle Revisited

30 March 2021 — Craig Murray

Craig Murray

I was pretty diffident a year ago in suggesting corrupt backhanders as a potential motive for Dominic Cummings to visit GSK in Barnard Castle, because part of me resisted the idea that even the Tories would seek to make personal profit from a pandemic. Since then, of course, we have learnt of the quarter of a billion pounds (yes, £250,000,000) given to family investment firm Ayanda Capital for PPE procurement for which Ayanda was utterly unqualified and unsuited, numerous other examples of closed bids and completely inappropriate awards. The UK seems not just to have returned to 18th century levels of corruption, but to 18th century lack of shame about it in the governing class.

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Washington’s Obsession with China Expands

25 March 2021 — Land Destroyer

(Brian Berletic NEO) – Mid-March saw a series of events helping to measure with exactitude US foreign policy regarding China – a commitment to and a doubling down on a decades-long encirclement and containment policy that has – so far – failed to return on Washington’s immense investments in it.

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Truth is the Last Call of the Perpetrators of Falsehoods About China’s Population Policy

24 March 2021 — Origin: New Eastern Outlook

James ONeill

UIR35111Two senior Chinese officials have in this past week met their American counterparts in the United States city of Anchorage, Alaska. Initial reports of the meeting were not encouraging. The Chinese leader reacted angrily to the United States’ opening statement that accused China of committing various crimes including against the Uighurs and the citizens of Hong Kong. The Chinese response was unusually robust, declaring that internal Chinese matters were exclusively the prerogative of the Chinese. They did not, in any case, accept the American characterisation of the treatment of their citizens.

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As US Loses its Edge, Game of Cyber Chicken Could Have Deadly Consequences

27 March 2021 — Newsclick

‘…all countries have offensive and defensive capabilities and ‘stealing” data and knowledge from other countries are time-honoured tasks of spook agencies. It becomes an act of war only if it leads to physical damage to critical equipment or infrastructure.’

Prabir Purkayastha

As US Loses its Edge, Game of Cyber Chicken Could Have Deadly Consequences

Two major hacks—SolarWind and Microsoft Exchange Server—have affected a whole range of computers systems. Both are supply-chain hacks, meaning what appeared to be a routine software upgrade to a particular component in the system, instead inserted malicious code. In the SolarWind hack a backdoor in one such component was downloaded to systems of 18,000 organisations, including even the US Treasury, Commerce, Homeland Security and State Department.

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Bill Gates finances lobby for “new GMOs” in Europe

29 March 2021 — GMWatch

Bill Gates

Aim is to derail EU rules on GMOs

These new revelations from Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) are crucially important to read and understand if we want to preserve our democracy and food freedom. Please alert all your contacts.

1. Derailing EU rules on new GMOs
2. Bill Gates finances lobby for “new GMOs” in Europe

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Former Supreme Court Judge Lord Sumption Expects People Will be Forced to Wear Masks, Stay Home for Ten Years

26 March, 2021 — Summit News

“It’s politically unrealistic to expect the Government to backtrack now”

Steve Watson

British former Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption has warned that “social controls” brought about by the coronavirus pandemic may be kept in place by governments for up to a decade.
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