Obama administration supports forces that commit atrocities – Allan Nairn

20 January, 2010 — RT.com

Despite Barack Obama’s initial promise of progress, the US administration continues to employ policies that support regimes that kill civilians, says investigative journalist Allan Nairn.

“The US President and the US system have tremendous authority over these policies,” Nairn says concerning US involvement in the Middle East. “[Obama] could almost unilaterally cut off the aid to these regimes, to these forces, if he chose to abide by international law… But Obama has chosen not to.”

Nairn says he would like to see Obama held accountable for the acts of terrorism that his administration has committed.

With neither the Republican nor Democratic Party capable of delivering real change, Nairn says the US needs a revolution.

“In the words of the American Founding Fathers, ‘alter or abolish’ the current system, because it is not enforcing the murder laws and it is allowing about a billion people worldwide to starve when they could be fed for the price of Washington’s bailout of Citibank,” Nairn says.


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I Am Yusuf And This Is My Brother

20 January, 2010

At the Young Vic Theatre, 66 The Cut, Waterloo, London, SW1 8LZ. Performance dates 19 Jan – 6 Feb 2010

A Young Vic/ShiberHur Theatre Company co-production.

1948. The British Mandate is ending. The United Nations votes on who will control what part of  Palestine … Direct from a tour of Palestinian villages in Israel and the West Bank, a powerful story of life in 1948 at the moment of ‘the catastrophe’. From the frontline, a poetic exploration of loyalty and love by the director of Alive from Palestine. Ali is in love with Nada but her father won’t let them marry because his brother Yusuf is ‘odd’. War begins. The villagers become refugees. The secret that kept Ali and Nada apart is revealed.

‘an astonishing testament to the power of theatre.’ (***** The Guardian)

Book Tickets

Tickets from £15
Performed in English and Arabic (with surtitles)

Watch an extended version with interviews here.


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Black Agenda Report 20 January, 2010: Haiti / Obama / NAACP / NYC

20 January, 2010 — Black Agenda Report

Haiti, Katrina, and Why I Won’t Give To Haiti Through the Red Cross
At Katrina, the Red Cross used funds generously donated by millions of Americans to implement what many knew at the time was, and what has turned out to be the dispersal of much of black New Orleans to the four corners of the continental US. If the Red Cross didn’t respect the persons, the families, the communities of black US citizens, do we really imagine it will respect Haitians.
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Living a Black Fantasy: The Obama Delirium Effect by Glen Ford
Barack Obama’s presence in the White House is bad for Black people’s mental health. Even as the African American economic condition deteriorates by the day, Blacks perceive a world in which their prospects are improving. Something did change for the better for Black people in 2009. The problem is, it only happened in their minds.
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Haiti 2010: An Unwelcome Katrina Redux by Cynthia McKinney
The United States, having stolen so much from Haiti, now dictates what and when foreign aid will reach the Haitian people. Haitians know that their independence is their greatest treasure. “Haitians know, too, that the United States has installed its political proxies and even its own soldiers onto Haitian soil when the U.S. felt it was necessary.”
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US Humanitarian Aid Looks More Like US Invasion
A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford
If everything the United States does appears to be related to its imperial mission, that’s because it’s true. The “U.S. policy of putting the military in charge of, not only disaster relief, but foreign assistance in general, is an outgrowth of the collapse of the Soviet Union.” The attitude is, “If they want American aid, they’ll have to accept the U.S. military presence.”
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NAACP Sells Out “Civil Rights” to Net Neutrality
A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford
Without the effective right to communicate with one’s fellow humans, all other rights disappear. In opposing internet neutrality in return for corporate telecom money, the NAACP and other so-called civil rights groups have committed an unforgivable “theft of the people’s trust.”
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Court Finds Deliberate Discrimination by NYC Fire Dept and Mayor
A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford
The civil rights movement may be moribund, but civil rights law still yields results. New York City, behaving like many of its citizens in claiming that it should not be found guilty of discrimination unless it can be proved that it intended to discriminate, loses the argument in federal court. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act lives.
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Why the U.S. owes Haiti billions: The briefest history by Bill Quigley
At every stage in Hait’s national existence, she has been drained, squeezed and violated by the United States. “The U.S. has worked to break Haiti for over 200 years. We owe Haiti. This is not charity. This is justice. This is reparations.”
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No, Mister! You Cannot Share My Pain! by John Maxwell
French and Americans have conspired to humiliate and exploit Haiti throughout the history of the world’s first Black republic. Now, in this time of catastrophe, they claim special relationships based on shared history. What outrageous, profane nonsense – as if the victim and perpetrator of atrocity share some bond that should be treasured.
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Eshu’s blues: Pat Robertson, the U.S. Ruling Class and Haiti by michael hureaux perez
African Americans who want to help Haiti – and improve Black people’s condition worldwide – “need to reclaim our own independent black agency and move accordingly.” Our own unique perspective on the world should enable us “to see that what delays the rescue effort in Haiti is the same bloody business-centered indifference that was visited upon tens of thousands of our people in New Orleans five years ago.
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Untold Stories: Haiti, White Supremacy, US Foreign Policy and Corporate Media by Solomon Comissiong
The U.S. corporate media have a difficult time covering the Haiti catastrophe. “Haiti’s poverty and economic desolation were largely made-in-America,” an inconvenient fact to transmit to American audiences. Corporate media’s “job is to invoke pity, confusion, and ignorance, as well as to uphold the benevolence of white supremacy.”
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Guest Media Lens Alert: How Alternative Media Provide the Crucial Critique of the Mainstream – Richard Keeble Responds to Tim Luckhurst

20 January, 2010 — Media Lens


On January 4, Tim Luckhurst, former BBC journalist and current Professor of Journalism at the University of Kent, wrote an article in the Independent with the dramatic title, ‘Demise of news barons is just a Marxist fantasy.’ Luckhurst argued that leftist critics are gleefully predicting the end of corporate journalism:

“There will be no further need for newspapers or broadcasters to host debates and represent public opinion. The internet will let every citizen speak for themselves. The masses will seize the means of media production. We will witness an era of revolutionary change.” (www.independent.co.uk/news/media/opinion/tim-luckhurst-demise-of-news-barons-is-just-a-marxist-fantasy-1856668.html)

But according to Luckhurst “there is an elementary delusion behind the idea that amateurs can report accurately”. How so?: Continue reading

Aftershock hits Haiti

20 January, 2010 — Washington Post

Many earthquake victims and relief workers were jolted awake just after 6 a.m. Wednesday by a strong tremor that shook the already ravaged earthquake zone. Initial reports said the latest quake measured 6.1 on the Richter scale — one of the strongest aftershocks since the 7.0-magnitude quake crippled this city eight days ago.

Shrieks rose from the streets of Port-au-Prince as the quake — apparently the first of any great significance in at least four days — hit with a rolling, side-to-side motion that lasted several seconds. Less than 30 seconds after the motion stopped, a cascading roar could be heard across the city — presumably the collapse of another building.

Another shriek went up from the streets.

Read the full story here

The Silencing of An Auschwitz Survivor – By the state’s Holocaust Memorial Trust

20 January, 2010 — azvsas.blogspot.com

Dear Holocaust Memorial Day

I have only just learnt of your shameful decision to ban all mention of or publicity for the meetings that Hajo Meyer is speaking at during Holocaust Memorial Week. The meetings are organised by Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.

Hajo Meyer is an Auschwitz survivor, but it would seem that his message is not one that you wish to hear, because he draws parallels between the racism and dehumanisation which he experienced and that which Palestinians suffer today. The parallels may not be exact, there may not be extermination camps in Israel, but comparisons are rarely exact. But when mobs regularly chant ‘Death to the Arabs’ and when ‘Transfer’ i.e. expulsion is an accepted topic of political discussion then one realises that there are, unfortunately, all too many comparisons to be made between the treatment of Jews in Germany prior to 1941 and the treatment of Palestinians today in Israel.

The question that should be asked is on what basis can you defend a decision not to publicise Hajo Meyer’s speaking engagements? Is there only one approved version of the Holocaust now acceptable to official state bodies like the Holocaust Memorial Trust? Do you not see a contradiction between official state history and the indoctrination of the German state? Perhaps you are unaware that in Israel too all universities have Departments of History and Departments of Jewish History, as if Jews were separate from the rest of humanity.

One might ask what you afraid of but then that is all too obvious. You wish the slogan ‘Never Again’ to mean ‘Never Again to the Jews’ rather than seeing it as having a universal application, regardless of who are the perpetrators and the victims. Because of course, given the right set of circumstances, Jews too can become racist.

Your behaviour parallels that of the Israeli State. It is a State which has never hesitated to compare the Palestinians with the Nazis, culminating in the grotesque comparison of Menachem Begin, at the time of the siege of Beirut in 1982, between Hitler in his bunker and Yassir Arafat. Israel has steadfastly refused all recognition of the role of anti-Zionists and non-Zionists in combating the Nazis. Given that Zionism was little more than a middle-class cult in most of Europe, and was decisively defeated in the last free elections in Poland by the anti-Zionist Bund, this exclusion and erasure of the role of anti-Zionist Jews is nothing more than a rewriting of history. It is no wonder that the Zionist treatment of Rudolf Vrba, whose escape with Alfred Wetzler alerted the world to Auschwitz and the threat to Hungarian Jewry, was cited by Robert Faurisson, a noted holocaust denier, as evidence that Auschwitz was a fabrication.

Your behaviour is reminiscent of Israel’s attitude to Marek Edelman, the last Commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Fighting Organisation, ZOB. Marek Edelman, who died recently, was given the highest recognition by the Polish state and his funeral was a State commemoration, attended by the Polish President. Equally unsurprising, the ‘Jewish’ State Israel never forgave Edelman for comparing the resistance fighters of the Palestinians to those of the Warsaw Ghetto. In behaviour not unlike your own, they were unable to send a representative of the ‘Jewish’ State to his funeral, a decision even some of the most ardent of Zionists find shameful, but clearly not yourselves.

Edelman’s comparisons must have been galling, even though they were true. To the bitter end Israel’s holocaust establishment campaigned to ensure that no Israeli university recognised him. This paralleled the behaviour of the same band of falsifiers at Yad Vashem, who had done their best to prevent Rudolf Vrba being given an honorary doctorate by an Israeli university.

The offence of Vrba and Edelman was that they were anti-Zionists. They refused to keep silent about the record of the Zionist movement during the holocaust, when it actively suppressed at times news of what was happening in Hitler’s hell and its behaviour since. Hajo Meyer and Scottish PSC should be greatly honoured and encouraged by your petty and spiteful move which will, as these things always do, garner far more publicity than would otherwise have been the case.

Yours truly,

Tony Greenstein

Haiti Newslinks 19-20 January, 2010

20 January, 2010 18:22

Doctor: Misinformation and Racism Have Frozen Recovery Effort at General Hospital in Port-au-Prince
“There are no security issues,” says Dr. Evan Lyon of Partners in Health, reporting from the General Hospital in Port-Au-Prince in Haiti, where 1,000 people are in need of operations. Lyon said the reports of violence in the city have been overblown by the media and ha…

Haiti TV coverage: Reporters saving lives is good, but selling it on TV feels bad

When the scope and intensity of the suffering among Haitians seems to grow by the day, spotlighting a single act by a visiting reporter – like Anderson Cooper of CNN helping a wounded boy across a barricade – feels uncomfortable and, to be blunt, self-serving. The aftermath…

Covering the Quake

The crisis in Haiti is a potent reminder to the Sam Zells of the world, who are finding the quickest ways to kill off once-great papers like the L.A. Times: Reporting is expensive, and the Haiti story is a reminder why you keep experienced newshounds on your payroll. Not su…

The Disaster Pool – How would I describe the Haiti coverage? Redundant.
In Haiti, the dozens of redundant dispatches are stressing an already perilously fragile situation, as all the journalists scrambling to get into the country chew up valuable capacity and resources. Surely there’s a better way. In fairness, the logistical nightmare of trans…

Antiracismdsa: Cuba, Venezuela help Haiti,
By Duane Campbell
Venezuela, which sent its air force with medics, food and equipment a few hours after the tragedy. Cuba, which already had 344 medical doctors on the ground, sent more teams with 151 more specialized medical doctors (including the Reed …

Pat Robertson’s comments on Haiti earthquake are ‘loathsome’
Washington Post
…that the earthquake in Haiti was God’s punishing the Haitians for consorting with the devil. The inhumanity and lack of compassion of this man “of God” …

53 Haitian Orphans Are Airlifted to US
New York Times
By JAMES C. McKINLEY Jr. and SEAN D. HAMILL MIAMI — A group of 53 Haitian orphans landed in Pittsburgh on Tuesday morning, the first wave to arrive after …

Illegal Haitian Immigrants Can Start Applying Thursday to Stay in US
At Notre Dame d’Haiti Catholic Church in Miami’s Little Haiti neighborhood, Randy McGrorty, head of Catholic Charities Legal Services, fielded questions, …

UN agrees to send 3500 more peacekeepers to Haiti
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – The UN Security Council on Tuesday unanimously
agreed to boost the number of UN troops and police in Haiti by 3500 to help


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