Israel hasbara fails again: Photos show Mavi Marmara passengers protecting, aiding Israeli soldiers

6 June, 2010 — Ali Abunimah

Captured, disarmed hijackers did not face “lynching” as Israel claimed

The website of Turkish newspaper Hürriyet published a gallery of photos showing Israeli soldiers captured after their attack on the Mavi Marmara in international waters in the early hours of 31 May.

The predictable response of the Israeli army, as quoted in Haaretz, was that the “published pictures serve as clear and unequivocal proof of Israel’s repeated arguments that aboard [the Mavi Marmara] were mercenaries who intended to kill Israeli soldiers.”

Israeli spokespersons and media in recent days have also claimed the soldiers faced “lynching,” a provocative term which originated to describe the deliberate mob murders of African Americans by white supremacists in the United States.The photos indicate nothing of the sort; if anything they show the opposite.

First, it is clear that the passengers would have had ample time and opportunity to seriously harm or kill the Israeli soldiers if that had been their intention. While at least 9 flotilla passengers were killed by the Israelis, no Israeli was killed even though it appears at least two and up to four were disarmed and captured as they carried out an illegal, unprovoked armed attack on a civilian ship in international waters.In some of the Hürriyet photos passengers or medics appear to be protecting and aiding the Israeli soldiers. Below we see a passenger taking a clearly wounded Israeli attacker and protecting him — not from any violent attack — but merely from being photographed.


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Israel forced to apologise for YouTube spoof of Gaza flotilla

6 June, 2010 — The Guardian – Rachel Shabi in Jerusalem

nazi-sm.jpgIsraeli government press office distributed video link featuring Arabs and activists singing

The Israeli government has been forced to apologise for circulating a spoof video mocking activists aboard the Gaza flotilla, nine of who were shot dead by Israeli forces last week.

The YouTube clip, set to the tune of the 1985 charity single We Are the World, features Israelis dressed as Arabs and activists, waving weapons while singing: “We con the world, we con the people. We’ll make them all believe the IDF (Israel Defence Force) is Jack the Ripper.”

It continues: “There’s no people dying, so the best that we can do is create the biggest bluff of all.”

The Israeli government press office distributed the video link to foreign journalists at the weekend, but within hours emailed them an apology, saying it had been an error. Press office director Danny Seaman said the video did not reflect official state opinion, but in his personal capacity he thought it was “fantastic”.

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Free Gaza: We shall overcome

7 June, 2010 — Free Gaza

Thousands of words have already been written about the Freedom Flotilla, Israel is out with its talking heads trying to justify murdering nine human rights workers, brutally hijacking our boats and hauling us all into Israel, a country none of us wanted to visit.

But we have to remember why we care and why we go and why we are so outraged at governments’ inaction. This piece by Roger Waters says it all.

Greta Berlin, Co-Founder
+357 99 18 72 75