Damage to the Soul

14 July 2020 — Craig Murray

The imprisonment of Julian Assange has been a catalogue of gross injustice heaped upon gross injustice, while a complicit media and indoctrinated population looks the other way. In a truly extraordinary twist, Assange is now being extradited on the basis of an indictment served in the UK, which is substantially different to the actual indictment he now faces in Virginia if extradited.

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Has the UK’s “Labour anti-Semitism” probe been rigged?

14 July 2020 — The Electronic Intifada

Asa Winstanley

The Jewish Labour Movement’s lawyer James Libson belongs to a firm that has represented the Israeli prime minister and embassy in the UK. – Lisi Niesner Reuters

The UK’s official equality watchdog is facing questions over its impartiality after it was revealed that one of its commissioners failed to declare financial links to the ruling Conservative Party.

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Putin had a dream to reset the world order

14 July 2020 — Indian Punchline

M.K. Bhadrakumar

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial center, Jerusalem, January 23, 2020, to mark 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz

Moscow has a way of signalling to the White House on critical issues from time to time through public statements calibrated to catch President Trump’s attention. It happens usually on Sundays such as on July 11 when the Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov transmitted a complicated signal which pointedly called attention to the growing despondency in Moscow that the Russian-American relationship lies in tatters.

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The Inevitable, Fatal End of Globalization – Centuries of Obscene Entitlement Morphing into Unavoidable, Horrendous Consequences; New Beginnings?

13 July 2020 — Global Research

By S. Brian Willson

As the world is understandably distracted by the threat of the pathogenic actions of an entity 10,000 times smaller than a grain of salt, we spend a huge amount of time arguing over its origins and nature, or whether it is real or a concocted plan to control human population, while saturating social media with voluminous conspiracy theories. Concerns about absence of a national public health care system sometimes seems less important than debating conspiracy theories.

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