GR Week in Review: Anti-Iran Fear-Mongering, Wall Street Attack in Europe and Social Media Censorship

23 February, 2012Global Research
WAR PLAN IRAN: Dispelling the Lies, Telling the Truth about Western Aggression in the Persian Gulf

– by Finian Cunningham, Michel Chossudovsky2012-03-16
GR ONLINE NEWS READER. The region is on a hair-trigger for a conflagration that would involve nuclear weapons and the collision of global powers… Continue reading

Video: EU suspends ACTA ratification, refers treaty to court

22 February, 2012 — RT

The EU has suspended the ratification of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and referred the text to the European Court of Justice to investigate possible rights breaches.


The European Commission decided on Wednesday to ask the EU‘s top court “to clarify that the ACTA agreement and its implementation must be fully compatible with freedom of expression and freedom of the internet.”

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Bradley Manning Newslinks 23 February 2012

23 February


Alleged WikiLeaks source Manning to be charged


FORT MEADE, Maryland — Bradley Manning, the US soldier suspected of leaking a trove of secret military and diplomatic documents to the WikiLeaks website, was to be formally charged in a military court on Thursday. The 24-year-old will be charged with …


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BREAKING NEWS: Israel backing down from Iran threats By Michael Carmichael

23 February — Global Research

Israel is backing down from her threats to bomb Iran

In a scathing loss of face for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, diplomatic sources in Israel have revealed that President Shimon Peres will meet privately with President Obama at the White House before – repeat before Netanyahu.

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23 February 2012Manifesto Club


Our campaign against ‘Pavement Injustice’ takes on unaccountable officials in public spaces – investigating how powers such as on-the-spot fines are being used, and calling for their review and limitation.


Josie Appleton wrote about the tyranny of on-the-spot fines, for Open Democracy.

-We were on Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine Show, discussing Enfield council’s ban on spitting in public.


-We were in the Brighton Argus criticising Sussex Police‘s plans to give more powers to PCSOs.


Camden Council put up a CCTV camera in an estate telling residents that they were in a ‘restricted area’ and should leave. We were quoted in the Independent about the incident (see Sarah Boyes‘ article about the phenomenon of ‘talking’ CCTV cameras).


-Exeter councils give out a thousand £100 fines for dropped cigarette butts.


If you have received an unjust on-the-spot fine, or have other examples of ‘pavement injustice’ to report – please do contact us.

VTJP Palestine/Israel Newslinks 22 February 2012: Court gives Israel “licence to pillage” West Bank, say rights groups

22 February 2012 — VTJP


International Middle East Media Center

Troops kidnap A Former Detainee, His Wife And Daughter
IMEMC – Palestinian security sources reported that Israeli soldiers kidnapped, on Wednesday at night, former political prisoner, Majdi Al-Ajouly, in addition to his wife and underage daughter, in Foqeen village, near the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem. …

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