The Institute for Statecraft Exposed

26 November 2018 —

Update 8 January 2019

Here are Part 3 and 4 of the files ‘liberated’ from the Institute for Statecraft

integrity initiative part 4 (43.4mb zipped)

Integrity Initiative part 3 (40.1mb zipped)

I came across the graphic below released by the ‘Integrity Initiative’ [sic]  which I think is worth adding in here. BTW, apparently, according to this graphic, this and other lefty websites are now part of the Russian ‘propaganda’ offensive.

And it since emerged that same duo of Institute for Statecraft/Integrity Initiative has been putting out disinfo on Jeremy Corbyn as well! This from The Canary:

The Conservative government is funding a ‘monitoring group’ that’s carrying out disinformation attacks on Jeremy Corbyn and Labour. The foreign office has now admitted providing £1.96m of public money to the Institute for Statecraft’s Integrity Initiative in the 2018/19 year. Military specialists run the unit, which has posted smears about Jeremy Corbyn and his team on social media. ‘The Canary‘, 9th December 2018

A number of documents from the Institute for Statecraft and its propaganda machine, ‘Integrity Initiative’ [sic] have been uncovered by ‘Anonymous’ (whoever they are) that reveal the objectives and the scale of this sophisticated enterprise. But already I read that some individuals are questioning the validity of these documents, that they are some kind of ‘plant’ designed I’m told, to confuse and neutralise Russian propaganda, but you be the judge (all in PDF format). For myself, it’s clear that they are real and not bogus.

1. The Integrity Initiative Handbook
2. Integrity 2017/18 budget
3. Foreign and Commonwealth Office – Project Proposal Form
4. Top 3 deliverables/achievements of phase 1
6. Foreign and Commonwealth Office – Project Proposal Form Version 2
7. Integrity Initiative – Progress report on establishing national clusters
8. Organisations and Individuals Involved in ‘Clusters’.
9. Project IfS: Integrity Initiative: Phase II

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