Covid-19: “Staggering number” of extra deaths in community is not explained by covid-19

15 September 2020 — British Medical Journal

BMJ 2020; 369 doi: (Published 13 May 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;369:m1931

    1. Shaun Griffin

    Author affiliations

    Only a third of the excess deaths seen in the community in England and Wales can be explained by covid-19, new data have shown.

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Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 9

15 September 2020 — Craig Murray

Things became not merely dramatic in the Assange courtroom today, but spiteful and nasty. There were two real issues, the evidence and the procedure. On the evidence, there were stark details of the dreadful regime Assange will face in US jails if extradited. On the procedure, we saw behaviour from the prosecution QC that went well beyond normal cross examination and was a real attempt to denigrate and even humiliate the witness. I hope to prove that to you by a straightforward exposition of what happened today in court, after which I shall add further comment.

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The Interconnectedness of Everything — Capitalist Contradictions and Marx’s Metabolic Rift Theory

14 September 2020 — The Meaning of Life Type Stuff

After the wedding 1939 jpg Large

After the Wedding. L.S. Lowry.

By Daniel Tarade

No person is an island. It takes a village. Circle of Life. We are stardust. Seven generations. These truisms reference connections between people and what we owe each other. Appealing to chaos theory, an action, no matter how small, dominoes around the world. You accidentally wave at someone who looks like your friend Nevraj in Toronto, and a union goes on strike in Australia. In the same way, ecosystems interdigitate. Food webs explode beyond neat textbook boundaries, nutrients cycle between the atmosphere and the ocean, and capitalist extractive activities threaten everything. Everything. By appealing to these interconnections, we illuminate neon contradictions and build an eco-socialist theoretical base.

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Why the UK could end up deploying risky gene drives while ignoring natural biological control

14 September 2020 – GMWatch

Squirrel and DNA

“First they cloned Dolly the sheep. Now they’re targeting grey squirrels”.

Report: Jonathan Matthews

This summer 78 environmental, agricultural, animal welfare and development organisations from all over Europe called on the European Union to outlaw the release of Gene Drive Organisms in the EU and internationally, warning that reprogramming or eradicating entire animal populations posed grave risks. They’re hoping that the European Union will respect the precautionary principle and reject the release into the wild of this application of ecosystem-level genetic engineering, given its many unexplored risks.

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At Assange Extradition Trial, Prosecution Downplays Abusive Supermax Prison Conditions

15 September 2020 — The Dissenter

Lead prosecutor James Lewis focused on a prior ruling by European Court of Human Rights on supermax prisons that clearly sided with the U.S. government.

 The legal team for Julian Assange strongly believes if the WikiLeaks founder is extradited to the United States he will be detained in harsh and abusive conditions, and if convicted, he will be incarcerated in a supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, in conditions that amount to solitary confinement.

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Julian Assange (and imperialism) on trial:

14 September 2020 — RT

In an age of ‘lockdowns,’ is there any hope left for the WikiLeaks founder?

Julian Assange (and imperialism) on trial: In an age of ‘lockdowns,’ is there any hope left for the WikiLeaks founder?
At the latest RT-livestreamed ‘Free Julian Assange/Imperialism on Trial’ event in London, a team of distinguished speakers discussed international events and the prospects of the WikiLeaks founder avoiding extradition to the US.