Saving the climate with agriculture

31 August 2021 — WeMove

Many of us are worried that industrial agriculture is fueling the climate crisis. We are losing fertile soil, and pesticides are killing bees, butterflies and birds. I’ve received many questions asking what a better agriculture system could look like.

When I heard about the enormous potential of ‘agroforestry,’ which is part of regenerative agriculture, I was absolutely thrilled. Agroforestry means planting trees in and around fields. This simple idea can save an enormous amount of greenhouse gases, create habitats for animals and is also good for our soil. [1] It has given me so much hope. But far too few people know about it.

That’s why we’d like to invite you to a webinar where we’ll learn how regenerative agriculture works and what positive contribution trees can make on farmland.

Banner image for event: Saving the climate with agriculture

The webinar “Saving the Climate with Agriculture!” will take place on Tuesday, 7 September at 7pm CEST / 6pm BST. Are you attending William? 

Yes, I’m in!

We will share the webinar on Youtube, in case you can’t attend on 7 September.

We will hear from Ivo Degn from Climate Farmers and Nick Jacobs from the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food). I will be there for WeMove Europe, and there will be many opportunities for you to ask questions.

With a better agriculture system, we can restore fertility to our soils, save animals from extinction and fight climate change. The solutions are out there and many people are already working on them. Join us to learn more on 7 September!

Annemarie Botzki and the WeMove Europe Team


WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet. To unsubscribe from WeMove Europe, please click here.

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