London: Join our fight for a Mayor for renters

6 April 2021 — Origin: Generation Rent

We need a London Mayor that will tackle the renting crisis and ensure renters have access to safe, secure and genuinely affordable homes.

Will you join us in our call for a London Mayor for Renters? Ask the candidates if they will adopt Generation Rent’s policies to fix London’s housing crisis here.
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The Government failed to end the Rent Debt Crisis

3 March 2021 — Generation Rent

Thank you for supporting our campaign to end the Rent Debt Crisis.

With a heavy heart I have to tell you that this Budget has done nothing to help renters with spiralling rent debt protect their homes.

The Chancellor has ignored the very real rent debt crisis and without government action renters will have no protection from eviction and homelessness.

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UK: The government’s latest “eviction ban” isn’t keeping our members safe

22 February 2021 — London Renters Union

In its announcement last week, the government said there’s now an “eviction ban” until March 31. In reality, they’ve already given the green light to landlords and bailiffs to evict tens of thousands of people. The old rules said that you could only be evicted if you were in 9+ months rent debt and that debt was from before the start of the pandemic. A new loophole the government has tried to keep quiet means that people who are in six months of rent arrears from any time can now be evicted. 

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As courts re-open, Britain’s renters must confront the power of landlords

18 August 2020 — Open Democracy

“Alas, many middle class people are now invested in this relationship of domination.”

London Renters Union twitter.

There was a moment, just after the declaration of lockdown, with the immediate loss of jobs and hours, when it seemed that a rent strike might be inevitable. Many members of London Renters Union thought there might finally be a moment of unity between renters affected by the pandemic that could be leveraged into much greater power against landlords. When evictions were temporarily suspended some members grew even more excited: for once private renters did not have the sword of Damocles hanging over them. This was the moment to strike! Others had a similar idea and Rent Strike London was launched, pulling ahead of London Renters Union, necessarily slower-moving as a large democratic organisation. For a week or two it felt like we might get the biggest rent strike going in British history.

Organising for economic justice ─ the eviction crisis in the time of COVID-19

15 August 2020 — Medact

First of all, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all who have contributed to building our new Economic Justice & Health Group so far this year. This is such a critical area to be organising in right now. This month it has been fantastic to see our Economic Justice research group carry forward its work with some admirable examples of scholarship and collaboration, and making great progress on this project.

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UK: The Tenants Taking on Their Billionaire Landlord

29 July 2020 — Novara Media

Somerford grove

by Sophie Hemery


Jordan Osserman was knocking on doors in his east London apartment block in late April, asking his neighbours about their rental situations during the pandemic, when he noticed he was being filmed by a security guard hiding behind a stack of boxes. A few days later he was holding a banner saying “food not rent” when he noticed that, once again, he was being filmed.

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Tell the government to end the rent debt crisis

1 July 2020 — Generation Rent

“While the immediate public health effects of coronavirus are subsiding to a degree, the economic impact is only just starting to be felt. So if nothing else is put in place huge numbers of tenants will be unable to pay their rent and will lose their homes as a result.”

That’s what our Policy Manager Caitlin told MPs on the Housing Committee on Monday.

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June 27 – #CantPayWontPay Day of Action

19 June 2020 — London Renters Union

The government has announced a 2 month extension of the eviction ban – the first victory of the Can’t Pay Won’t Pay campaign.

Research by the Resolution Foundation showed that hundreds of thousands of renters across London are in debt to their landlord. Unless the government cancels rent debt and makes the eviction ban permanent, renters will remain in huge danger.

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UK: 3 weeks to protect renters from eviction

3 June 2020 — Generation Rent

Generation Rent
In just three weeks, the Government’s eviction ban comes to an end. We need your help to prevent renters losing their homes in a public health crisis.

Homeowners have had their mortgage holidays extended, but renters have heard nothing. 1 in 8 renters are behind with rent payments, and will be at risk of eviction and homelessness when the ban ends.

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A chaotic rent debt and evictions crisis: Write your MP!

12 May 2020 — London Renters Union

Today we’ve written to the government jointly with two other renter organisations, Living Rent in Scotland and ACORN, a community union that organises renters who live outside of London.

Renters are being forced to choose between paying rent or buying food and other essentials. Many renters are already in debt. Fear of eviction and rent debt is forcing people to go out and work rather than staying home. The government is putting renters in danger and we’re heading for a chaotic rent debt and evictions crisis.

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