New China Will Be Red and Expert By Dan Siegel

11 July 2011 — Truthdig

[An interesting and thought-provoking piece on socialist planning with capitalist ownership and the direction China might be taking. Sounds a bit like the post-war Labour govt. WB]

China may be returning to the days when its ideal communist was both ‘Red and expert,’ and The Wall Street Journal is worried. In a recent article, the newspaper profiled one of China’s rising new leaders, Bo Xilai, Communist Party chief of Chongqing and a likely candidate next year for a position on the party’s Politburo Standing Committee. If chosen, Bo may help bring about a new synthesis of the political trends that have shaped China for the past six decades. The Journal is concerned that the ascendancy of new leadership may retard what it describes as the liberal economic policies that have fueled China’s growth since the end of the Cultural Revolution and the ascendancy of Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s.

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Libya Newslinks 11 July 2011

11 July 2011 —

FEATURE-Libya’s ragtag rebels discover discipline in battle
By Nick Carey EAST OF ZLITAN, Libya, July 11 (Reuters) – Midway through the morning, as Grad rockets whooshed through the branches of trees overhead, some of the young men of the 1st battalion Al Marsa regiment began to sing. A slow, melodic and gentle …

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A People's History of the Egyptian Revolution By Rami El-Amine and Mostafa Henaway

11 July 2011 — The Bullet Socialist Project • E-Bulletin No. 525 – Left Turn

No matter how it unfolds, the Egyptian revolution will go down in the history books as a defining moment in the 21st century. Millions of Egyptians brought down one of the world’s most repressive regimes, that of the U.S.-backed Hosni Mubarak, in just 18 days. Their bravery, perseverance, and tactfulness in the face of the regime’s brutal crackdown not only triggered uprisings across the Arab world but inspired and influenced protests against government austerity in the U.S., Spain, Portugal, and Greece. Despite the fact that it is only a few months old, it’s important to begin piecing together a people’s history of the revolution to convey what happened and how it happened so that the lessons from this critical struggle can be disseminated.

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Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists and the Disappearing Middle Class By James Petras

11 July 2011 — Dissident Voice

The US government (White House and Congress) spends $10 billion dollars a month, or $120 billion a year, to fight an estimated ‘50 -75 ‘Al Qaeda types’ in Afghanistan’, according to the CIA and quoted in the Financial Times of London (6/25 -26/11, p. 5).  During the past 30 months of the Obama presidency, Washington has spent $300 billion dollars in Afghanistan, which adds up to $4 billion dollars for each alleged ‘Al Queda type’.  If we multiply this by the two dozen or so sites and countries where the White House claims ‘Al Qaeda’ terrorists have been spotted, we begin to understand why the US budget deficit has grown astronomically to over $1.6 trillion for the current fiscal year.

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Libyan PM urges UN intervention to stop NATO military attack

11 July 2011

TRIPOLI, July 10 (Xinhua) — Libyan Prime Minister al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi has urged UN intervention to stop NATO military attacks against the north African country, local media reported.

Al-Mahmoudi made this appeal when meeting Saturday with Abdel Elah al-Khatib, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s special envoy for Libya.

NATO’s intensive airstrikes have caused a great number of civilian casualties, in violation of the UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973 on Libya, the official JANA news agency quoted al-Mahmoudi as saying.

According to the Libyan government, three months of NATO airstrikes had killed more than 800 people and injured more than 4,700 in the country.

via Strategic Culture Foundation.

Michael Hudson: Greece a Dress Rehearsal for United States

11 July, 2011 — The Real News Network

Michael Hudson: Cuts to Social Security and Medicare and privatization at the state level mirror strategy imposed on Greece

Michael Hudson is President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and author of Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire (1968 & 2003), Trade, Development and Foreign Debt (1992 & 2009) and of The Myth of Aid (1971). ISLET engages in research regarding domestic and international finance, national income and balance-sheet accounting with regard to real estate, and the economic history of the ancient Near East. Michael acts as an economic advisor to governments worldwide including Iceland, Latvia and China on finance and tax law.

Syria Newslinks 11 July 2011

11 July 2011 —

Syria Draws Vocal Critics at Talks
Wall Street Journal
Syria’s government on Sunday opened a first meeting for talks with the opposition as most opposition figures boycotted the event and some of those attending unleashed criticisms of the regime unusual in a government-sponsored setting. …

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Wikileaks Newslinks 11 July 2011

11 July 2011 —

Visa starts then halts Wikileaks donations acceptance
By Dave Neal PAYMENT FIRM Visa has explained why it briefly accepted donations made to Wikileaks and then promptly stopped. The firm was discovered to have dropped its embargo at the end of last week when Datacell, its Iceland-based hosting company …

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Media Lens: BBC Bombast – Propaganda, Complaints And Black Holes of Silence

11 July 2011 — Media Lens

On the BBC television news, the pulsing theme tune sets the tone: the world is a serious place and we, the BBC, are here to give it to you straight. The computer-animated intro, featuring the Earth encompassed by transmitted signals, together with the high-tech news studio, proclaims impeccable credentials. The newscaster – Huw Edwards, Fiona Bruce, perhaps Emily Maitlis or Nick Owen – looks directly into the camera with the requisite degree of gravitas. The message is clear: ‘You can trust us. We have no agenda. This is the BBC. This is The News.’

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Battle for Libya: Moscow is playing on two looms in Libya

10 July 2011 — SOS Libya

Tripoli – The green national flag of Libya is fluttering in the hot desert wind. The border crossing Ras Jedir, between Tunisia and Libya,unbearable heat and a big crowd. There is about 113 degrees in shade, columns of cars and trucks, all pushing horns and trying to bypass the queue.

Unlike two months ago, all the customs officers and policemen are wearing new uniforms, they are doing their job very professionally. I enter Libya by foot, waiting to be “sniffed” by the member  of the secret police. Because, he is in charge and he is the one doing everything necessary for the journalists coming to Libya.

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Video: West Funnels Illegal Weapons Into Libya By grtv

9 July 2011 — grtv

France has been among the main powers behind the NATO-led air campaign, which is officially aimed at protecting civilians from assaults by Gaddafi’s forces. However, many view a change of regime in Libya as the main reason for the alliance’s involvement there. France’s latest move has invoked extensive criticism from Russia and the African Union, while China has indirectly objected to it.

The sending of arms to the Libyan rebels is illegal, yet it has been going on almost since the beginning of the conflict there, believes Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya from the Centre for Research on Globalization.

“It definitely is violating the United Nations’ sanction as well as international law. There is something called the ATT [the Arms Trade Treaty] and under the ATT they cannot supply arms to the rebels,” he said. “This is not new news either. They have been saying it from March that they have been sending arms to the rebels. In the London conference, the Prime Minister of Qatar said they were going to send arms. He said that in front of Hillary Clinton and all the representatives of the NATO states were there.”

“Reuters and the Wall Street Journal — they all said that the United States was sending arms through Egypt to the rebels. It is reported, it is documented,” Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya added.