18 October 2019 — Syrian Perspectives

Ziad Fadel


Syrian soldiers pose for a photo outside Manbij as victory looms with no casualties.

It took two buffoons like Erdoghan and Trump to make Dr. Assad’s day a very pleasant one.  First, the Turks invaded northeastern Syria ostensibly to block the formation of some tin-pot Kurdish enclave bedecked in the classic style of the bargaining chip the U.S. once needed to impose elections on the Syrian government.  What the U.S. never knew and always concealed was the uncomfortable fact that Dr. Assad was wildly popular and would defeat any candidate pimped up by the U.S. The election gambit was a failure even if it happened.

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Capital not ideology By Michael Roberts

18 October 2019 — Michael Roberts Blog

Back in 2014, French economist Thomas Piketty published a blockbuster book, Capital in the 21st century.  Repeating the name of Marx’s Capital, the implication of the title was that it was an updating Marx’s 19th century critique of capitalism for the 21st century.  Piketty argued that the inequality of income and wealth in the major capitalist economies had reached extremes not seen since the late 18th century and unless something was done, inequality would continue to rise.

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Brace yourself for Saturday 19th October

18 October 2019 — True Publica

By TruePublica Editor: This Saturday is as important as that vote back in 2016. On the 23rd of June 2016, the electorate of Britain marginally voted to leave the EU. Three years and four months later parliament decides if that should happen. After the social division, mass political back-stabbings and subsequent implosion of the Tory party, the final showdown is tomorrow. MP’s have just one day to debate Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal.

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Truth About Syria.”How Could Corporate Journalists Get Away with Their Lies…” By Alison Banville

18 October 2019 — Global Research

Damascus, December 2018. Two great independent journalists sit down together:

 Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley 

Eva Bartlett: ‘when I arrived on the 29th (of December 2018) I was told that, aside from yourself (gestures to Vanessa Beeley), I was the only other western journalist in Syria. And it struck me not so much as surprising, in fact it’s more expected, that corporate media journalists could very well be here, but they’re not.’ 

Vanessa Beeley: ‘Well, there’s been silence in the media about what is effectively a victory for Syria, for the secularism of Syria against extremism and persecution and tyranny.’ 

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Brexit News Links 18 October 2019

18 October 2019 • 14:20 — The New Dark Age

There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so check back

Brexit protest message ploughed in field

What can we expect from a Brexit general election – and when?

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Media And Pundits Misread The ‘Everyone Wins’ Plan For Syria

18 October 2019 — Moon of Alabama

The U.S. media get yesterday’s talks between U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan all wrong. Those talks were just a show to soothe the criticism against President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from northeast Syria.

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The IMF Does Not Fight Financial Fires But Douses Them With Gasoline: The Forty-Second Newsletter (2019)

17 October 2019 — Tri-Continental

Dear Friends,

Greetings from the desk of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.

Quito’s streets tremble between aspiration and repression; the smell of tear gas and the shouts for freedom reverberating in equal measure from one part of the city to another. President Lenín Moreno’s State of Emergency (October 3) and Curfew (October 12) give the men with guns more authority, but – despite hundreds of injured protestors and at least five dead – the violence has not broken the enthusiasm on the streets. The protests continue. Moreno’s options will soon run out. The oligarchy and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) – with a wink from the White House – might ask him to resign. They like their comprador to be credible.

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